Friday, December 30, 2005

Religious conformists

I am so taken with the phrase RELIGIOUS CONFORMISTS, for I believe that is what the church has become; a group of people that conform to a religious liturgy instead of people who are passionate followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and all aspects of Him. I have been wondering lately how we got to this point. Jesus was not a religious conformist. In fact, He stood in the face of all religion and proclaimed that those who were religious conformists were pharisees and lost. He continually accused those who were conformist of not knowing Him at all. And yet, churches today are full of religious conformist-people who conform to a form of religion, who honor them with their lips, but with their deeds deny Him. Pious people that look down upon "sinners" and long to have things their way. People who are more concerned about form, method and fashion instead of seeing where God is at work and joining Him there.
Jesus could not stand such-and so I am wondering if He is saddened in what He sees in those who claim to wear His name. Are we merely religious people. And if we are not, how do we look, act, live differently from those who are? What sets us apart-the religious activity is the same.
It is a matter of the heart-one who is passionately following-not at a distance, but chasing after, refusing to be conformed to anything except the Image of God, knowing that apart from Him we can do nothing, reflecting His glory in all that is done. Not conformists....but renegades for the Kingdom.
Maybe it is time for a remnant of renegades to rise up and slay religion only to unleash a journey of relationship with the ONE who created us for just that! After all, it was the religious who nailed Jesus to the cross in the first place.

Monday, December 19, 2005

light and power

During the recent ice storm, many of us lost power in our homes for several days. It was odd to drive by the homes, especially at night and to see the darkness inside. As we drove, we looked for any sign of Light-to indicate that power had been restored. As we saw the lights in the homes, we knew that electricity had been reinstated in that home.
The same could be said for each of us. The world is driving by looking for Light-any sign of power in our lives. But sometimes, all they see is darkness. How sad it is to me to think that we have the LIGHT of the World, the POWER from on high and yet, all people see is darkness. People see the LIGHT and know you have the POWER. As we LIGHT our homes with electricity, should we not LIGHT the world with the POWER that dwells in us. For as they see the LIGHT in us, they will know that POWER has been restored to our lives...
So quit living in darkness and walk into the LIGHT-the world is watching and looking...ALL FOR YOU

Monday, December 12, 2005


Okay, so I went to see the Narnia movie. I must confess, I haven't ready the books, so I didn't know exactly what to expect. Jim and I had talked about it a little and I was prepared to look for meaning beyond the story. After all, that is how I live my life.
As we got into the story, I was a little thrown by the beavers. I got that the wolves could be demon angels, doing the the evil one's bidding. But I couldn't figure out the beavers. In the middle of the movie, I asked Jim what the beavers meant. Jim looked at me as if I was crazy and simply stated that it was a movie and that they were pretend. Now, I am frustrated. I asked him how I was supposed to know what to read into and what not to read into.
When we got home, I was talking to Drew about the movie. Come to find out, he has read almost all the books-started in third grade. How I missed that, I am not sure. Towards the end of the conversation, I made mention of the beavers and how if he figures out what they mean, I would like to know.
Drew replied by saying, "that's easy mom". Awestruck, I asked him to explain. He quickly explained that the beavers were the Word of God. I asked him how he got that. He said that the beavers were those who gave instruction and lead the characters to Jesus. They introduced the kids to Jesus and they instructed them on the journey.
How my 12 year old picked up on that and I didn't, I am not sure. But I thought it was awesome that he deduced that the beavers were the Word of God. So now, I am all about the BEAVERS.
point of the story...sometimes kids know more than we think and can explain things to us. They see more than we see and are often paying closer attention than what we think. So, becareful how you may say one thing and do another-and think they aren't seeing it. But they are. If they can understand Narnia-they can understand you! And if they can see that Beavers are the Word, they certainly are capable of studying the Word and learning about Jesus. Let's not sell them short.

Monday, December 05, 2005

under armor

Recently, Noah's coach gave him some UnderArmor to wear as part of his uniform. His coach wanted to be sure that the team was protected from the elements. He didn't buy some cheap imitation, but gave them the real gear, so that they would be able to perform at their best, uneffected by the elements.
UnderArmor is the new rage for anyone who is an athelete. UnderArmor is athletic wear that helps protect atheletes from the elements. The clothing has the ability to help keep you cool during the heat of the summer. The winter wear has ability to keep you warm during the cold of the winter. It is amazing! When you are dressed in the right gear, you are protected.

I wonder how many of us are dressed in the "right" gear for atheletics, but don't have our underarmor on for spiritual battles. We are all about wearing our UnderArmor to protect us from the elements of athletics, but I am more concerned that we have our UnderArmor on for the spiritual elements that are attacking all around us. God has given us HIS Armor-to help us to be able to stand firm against the devil and the spiritual forces of wickedness. He has given us the belt of TRUTH, the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, the shoes of PEACE, the shield of FAITH and the helmet of SALVATION. God has not given us some cheap imitation, but the UnderArmor that is needed to help us to perform at our best against the spiritual elements that are against us.
So get dressed...and don't forget your UnderArmor. ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas on the outside

My mom was decorating her house for Christmas this week. She was frustrated because she was tired and didn't have time to get it all done. She wanted to get the lights up on the outside of the house. As they were working to get the lights up outside, she made a statement to my Dad that shook her after she made it. She said. "if I can just get it to look like Christmas on the outside, I won't worry about the inside."
Isn't that how most of us live? If we can just get the outside looking okay, we won't worry about the inside. We just want everyone to think all is well because we decorate the outside. We are more concerned with how things look.
Jesus addressed such issues. We might wash the outside of the cup, but the inside is still dirty. He called those people hypocrites. Many of us are more concerned with the outside "looking like Christmas" while the inside is still has crummy as usual. Jesus is sickened by such activity. He is looking for those who are full on worshippers. But more than that, He is looking for those who will not pretend that all is well, by dressing up the outside while the inside is a mess. Jesus is frustrated with people like this because they are harder to be touched by the Master, because they are too busy keeping the outside decorated to actually work on the inside. And they fear what others will see if they do actually work on the inside. Fortunately, my Mom was disgusted with herself for such a statement-for she is not a hypocrite, but one who is quick to see where Jesus wants to work. However, her thought was an honest one that most of us have...let's just look like everything is okay-and pretend. I don't want to be one who is simply decorated for Christmas, but one who is celebrating Christ all year long-outside and in!ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


God is awakening things in my heart. The truths He is opening my heart to excite me as I see Him at work in me....but I am grieved as well, both for my own sin and for what I see around me. I am truly praying for a great awakening. I was asking the Lord today to awaken the slumbering church...His sin, to His presence...and to repentance.
For years, I have tried to act more religious than I say the right things, to play the role of ministers wife. But my heart is being awakened to the fact that God does not want me to look religious to look good or to wear that religious mask. He is not happy with the civilized Christianity that our society likes to see. He is awakening my soul to a whole new kind of walk. I have my ear to heaven and am hearing more clearly than ever. I am tired of the religious and those who pretend...i just want to see some REAL Christians...chasing Him...and I want to be one of them! I don't want to see religious people who go to church, but people who are sold out, in love, passionate, intimate and journeying with God-on good AND bad days. I want to be that person and have laid down the mask of religion and am choosing to chase, to listen, to journey and to press in so that I may know HIM.
The greatest awakenings were birthed in prayer...I want to be stirred to the point of change....and have my heart awakened from the slumber. I am so burdened over the many who see truth, but are choosing not to walk in it because of what they might lose or what it might require of them here on earth. Choices....determine our future.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for a new home, church, family and friends...but, I am most grateful that the Lord is "undoing" me....I want to be undone...and to see Him clearly. I am most thankful that as more of me dies, more of Him lives in me. And I am crying out for undoing, an awakening and a stirring of our hearts to lay aside religion and become a bride ready for the bridegroom, a follower that listens to the leader, a slave that serves the master and a son that longs to obey and love the Father. AWAKEN ME!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Out biggest problem in our journey's with the Lord is that we don't cooperate with God. He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. He has placed His Spirit within us to help us with our weaknesses. He has not called us to do anything that He has not equipped us to be able to do. Why is it we fight against Him? We don't subject ourselves to His authority. We are not obedient and therefore there is war in our souls. What if I cooperated? submitted? obeyed? allowed the Spirit full reign? Would there be freedom from the battle? My biggest problem is not cooperating with what God is doing, but I am learning that cooperating beats warring against a God who is going to win. What He has for me is better than I can achieve. I must not be deceived into thinking that what God would ask or want from me would not be the best for me and for His glory. I must not believe the lie that what the world has to offer might be better than what God requires. Another words....I must cooperate with what God is doing....and quit fighting it....ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

marvelous sight

Why is it that we think what we can accomplish on our own is better than what God can accomplish? Isn't faith and hope trusting in what we can not see? I think we miss out on great things because we only have faith and hope in what is seen. Romans 8 says, hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one hope for what he sees....that does not take faith! But the Spirit of God helps our weaknesses. I must confess, sometimes I am weak in this area. I do Believe that what God can do is better and more than I can do, but sometimes I am deceived into what I can see instead of hoping in what I can't. I am laying that down today-to say that I am waiting and watching for the Lord's doing-hoping and believing in what He is doing and knowing that it will be marvelous when He is done.
Ps 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

watching words

I have found myself lately, worried and anxious-which is not like me. Although, it isn't over life, food, shelter, clothing or the normal worries of life. It is over the KINGDOM. I have found myself concerned over what is going to happen in the future in the Kingdom of God. Maybe worried isn't the right word. Maybe, burdened is better. But in the sweetness of the Father, He gave me a Word this morning that I take comfort in. Jer 1:9 and 11. "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it." The things God has promised and said, He is watching over them to bring them about. I must be faithful to pray, but I must also realize that He is watching over these things-I don't have to. The great I AM is going to perform these things-I AM NOT! His word to me-WATCH AND SEE!ALL FOR YOU

Monday, November 07, 2005

Real men stand up

okay....number 2 blog from the bathroom...but hey, it is working!
My 3 year old has been potty trained for about 6 months. But for the life of me I have been unable to get him to go standing up. Maybe it is because I am a woman. But today, he saw his brother do it and for whatever reason it clicked. And guess what-break through...yep, he did it standing up. Then he had to call his dad and tell him and share with all his friends at MMO that he did it standing up.
Okay, I know this seems a little crass after yesterdays blog, but there is a point worth making.
Real men stand up. There is a process of becoming a man. The issue is not can you do it....the issue is do you stand up. NO...I am not talking about bathrooms any more. There comes a time, when men must make a stand. To stand up and be MEN. Sure you are a man, but BEING a man means standing up for what is right, when it is hard, inspite of persecution, despite loss. Real Men stand up, no matter the cost, regardless of what everyone else thinks whenever it is required. Real Men stand up.
My son is in the process of learning that. It started at the potty, but I pray it doesn't stop there.
The question you stand up?

bad smells and fans

Why is it that a lot of my lessons come from times in the bathroom? I don't know...either. Yesterday, Micah was in the bathroom doing his business-if you know what I mean. For a little kid, he sure can stink it up. So, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the fan. He immediately let me know that he did not want the fan on. He told me to leave, so I would not smell the stink. I explained that the fan would remove the stink, but he refused the assistance.
It got me thinking, what kind of person wants to sit in his own stink? (other than And then I was reminded of the fact that there are many of us who refuse the assistance of the Father to remove the stinch of sin in our lives. Instead, we would rather sit in our own sin/stench instead of allowing the Father to remove it.
I realized later that Micah is afraid of the fan-I guess the sound it makes frightens him. Again, it made me step back and question how many of us are afraid of the process that is required to remove the sin from our lives and therefore we would choose to remain in it.
Don't be a 3 year old....don't sit in your sin or your stench...allow the Father to help you deal-there is nothing to be afraid of. Your aroma will be better afterwards. Until then, the everyone around will know what you are sitting in!

Monday, October 31, 2005


It is halloween and everyone is in costume, pretending to be something they are not. Most of it is for fun and kids seem to love it. I am just wondering how this is different from any other day. It seems to me that we spend our days pretending to be something we are not, instead of embracing the fact that we are NOT and HE IS. I don't want to live my life wearing a mask, in costume-even if it is for fun. I want to be REAL. I don't want to pretend, play dress up or play a role. What if we could all just be who God created us to be-a reflection of Him. I am tired of playing make believe-I am ready for the real thing. Wonder if we could all take off the costumes, stop pretending and start being the REAL deal 24/7...instead of pretending that it is halloween all year long-after all-halloween is not even a day that honors the Lord! ALL FOR YOU

Friday, October 28, 2005


Yesterday, we were out of town for the day and stopped at a Krispy Kreme Donut place. The Hot Now sign was on...which means temptation. When they are hot, they just melt in your mouth-you don't even have to chew. Jim enjoyed SEVERAL-suggesting that because they are hot, there is not as much of them because they just melt away in your mouth. I kept telling him he was going to be sick if he kept eating them, but he couldn't say no-HOT NOW was just too good to refuse.
I have been studying lately from Matthew 5, where we are told that we are salt and light. Salt is a flavoring...something that makes something taste better. If we are to be salt, then we are God's flavor to the world of what He looks and tastes like. I have often been convicted of being a BAD taste in people's mouth and have grieved that who I am has caused people to walk away from the Kingdom. And yet, I am also challenged by the idea of being HOT NOW-a flavor that melts in your mouth, that you just can't refuse because it is soooo good. I think this might be what Jesus was referring to. That we are to be His flavoring to the world-what does that look like...?a HOT NOW sign-that just can't be refused because the flavor is so awesome. I realize that for many, I have not been much of a HOT NOW sign, but that is changing in me everyday. I want to be a HOT NOW sign 24/7 so that the world can taste and see that the Lord is good! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Purity brings clarity

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God....
As we draw closer to God, deal with our sin, die to self and seek after Him with all that we are our hearts are sanctified and made holy. As our hearts are made pure, by the washing of the Word and drawing of the Spirit, God allows us to see Him more clearly. What was once cloudy, now becomes clear.
If we are having trouble seeing God, maybe it is because of a purity issue...there is something that is clouding our vision. For with purity comes clarity.
My desire is to be pure so that I see clearly. My heart is to see God fully, face to face in all His glory-but that will never happen as long as their is impurity in my heart. Dealing with impurity-means thoughts, attitudes of heart, heartache, wounds, sin and unrighteousness. But if I don't-I won't see God. So what option is there? ALL FOR YOU

Monday, October 24, 2005


Diligence-a really cool word that has in it's root the idea of friction. In order to sharpen something for use, it must be rubbed-friction must occur in order to sharpen. A knife can not be sharpened without friction on the stone. Neither can we be sharpened with friction. That is the picture of be sharpened by friction. So when friction comes, know that the Lord is sharpening you. Sometimes being diligent means you cause friction-but that is by God's design that you and those around you are sharpened.
Be diligent to keep His commands, even if it causes friction.
Be diligent to prove yourself a workman that needs not be ashamed, even if it causes friction.
Be diligent to make sure of His calling, even if it causes friction.
Be diligent to teach to your children the Word of the Lord, even if it causes friction.
Be diligent to be found spotless and blameless, even if it causes friction.
BE DILIGENT-the friction will sharpen you!ALL FOR YOU

Friday, October 21, 2005


God needs a bigger billboard. What are YOU advertising? ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


We all have wounds...places of hurt in our lives. But wounds that don't heal, get infected and cause health problems that could effect your ability to live life normally. We don't want to live life out of our wounds. Making choices and decisions out of the hurt and pain in our lives. Inevitably that will lead to more hurt and more wounds. But, what if we could find freedom from our wounds. Yes, we may have scars-(I like to look at them as signs of healing-not scars of hurt) but we don't have to live life out of our scars, our hurts or our wounds. Jesus came that we might have life abundant. Jesus longs to heal our broken souls. By HIS STRIPES-we are Healed! Freedom from our wounds is there for the taking....we just have to want to be healed.ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

in the sink?

A friend of mine was sharing with me how upset she was because she thought someone was pooping in the sink instead of the potty. Wow, can you imagine. I looked at her and said I think I would start spanking kids if one of mine choose to poop in the sink instead of the potty. She later discovered that the problem was not a child, but the cat. Her son had failed to change the litter box and consequently it was full. The cat didn't like the full litter box, so he found another place to dispose of his waste.
Crazy....but it got me thinking. If waste isn't dealt with, it begins to spill out in places it wasn't meant to. Dealing with our sin is a HUGE thing. When we let it pile up and don't deal with it, it begins to seep out in areas of our lives that it should not. We can either deal with our sin or it will deal with us. So maybe it is time for us to empty the litter box, so that our sin is not found in the "sink" for all to see. Maybe your litter box is full-don't use the sink! Just empty the box! ALL FOR YOU

Monday, October 10, 2005

goats and the fence

Yesterday, we were driving down the road and saw some goats eating through the fence, nearly choking themselves trying to get at the grass on the otherside. I was a little baffled by the thought because the grass was 2 feet tall on the inside of the fence, yet they were still trying to reach outside the fence.
But then the thought occured to me that we are just like those goats, thinking that things outside the boundaries of what God has laid is better than what is inside. The saying is not necessarily true-although goats obviously think so. The grass is not always greener on the otherside. Living within God's provisions is a good thing-otherwise we get choked on the fence...straining to live in both worlds.
So don't be a goat-enjoy the provisions of the Lord and quit straining for things that are outside the fence. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, October 07, 2005


I have come to believe that in order to fully be transformed, you must become transparent. Why? Because when we are not transparent, we are hiding-from someone, something. But transparency is hard. It seems everytime you lay it out there and be honest, vulnerable and open someone takes a shot at you. Taking a hit-hurts. It doesn't take long before we start to withdraw and choose not to be transparent because we are not bulletproof. Those who are transparent seem to have targets on them and people just aim and shoot. A free for all.
And yet, I am still convinced that to be fully transformed, you must become transparent. Which means I have to be willing to take the hit. I can't hide my sin, my struggle or my shortcomings. I can't run from my mistakes, my frustrations or my emotions. I must be real....I can't wear a mask and fake it and expect God to transform me. God wants real, honest, transparent people.
So how do I get to the point that I am willing to do that-after being hurt so many times. You realize it is not about is all about Him-and He is bulletproof. ALL FOR YOU

Monday, October 03, 2005

put to death

If you are living according to the flesh-you must die. but IF BY THE SPIRIT you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you WILL LIVE. Romans 8:13
Either way...death is the inevitable. If you are living by the Spirit...then by the SPIRIT, you put the deeds of the body to death-so that you may live. The Spirit is that which empowers us to live, but only through the habitual putting to death of the body.
Slay me....ALL FOR YOU

living DOXA

when God's glory shows up, it interrupts the normal routine of life.
Doxa....a word I have come to wrap my life around. When people begin to live out the reality of freedom found in Christ-God's glory is evident. God desires that people be able to see HIM in us and through us. God wants to be recognizable in us and all we do. Doxa-is living what you are meant to be...for the Glory of God. We were created for this purpose. Living DOXA everyday, interrupts the routine of life because there is nothing routine about God's glory. Living DOXA means He is made evident in and through us as we live out the reality of freedom in Christ-found in dying to self so that He is seen and we are not.
DOXA-God's last words to the earth....fear God and give Him glory! Doxa-For the Glory! ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

satisfaction in Christ

We are all looking for satisfaction. We try entertainment, food, sports, sex, and the like, but nothing fully satisfies. Satisfaction in Christ can be a reality. You can be complete in Christ, but only when we are not yoked to everything else. I'm not talking about a life full of activities, but a heart that is completely satisfied in Jesus. There is a huge difference between the salvation of our soul and the satisfaction of our soul. are we satisfied in Jesus...or just saved in Him? I think both is possible!ALL FOR YOU

flesh and spirit

where have you set your mind? For where your mind is where you will walk. If your mind is set on the flesh, you will walk by the flesh. If your mind is set on the Spirit, you will walk by the Spirit. If walking by the Spirit, the Spirit will cause you to walk in His ways and your mind will be set on life and peace. But in the flesh, you are hostile towards God, unable to please Him at all.
The deeds of the flesh are evident....and if you are walking in the flesh, it is because your mind is set on the things of the flesh. If there is evidences of immorality, impurtiy, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing and things like these, you are walking in the flesh.
If we are living according to these things, you must DIE. But if BY the SPIRIT you are putting to death the deeds of the flesh, you will live. Our only to DIE-to by the SPIRIT of God, habitually put to death the deeds of the flesh. (romans 8) ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand....this is what Jesus and his disciples preached. Seems simple enough, until you dig in and figure out what this whole repent thing is all about. It is not merely admitting sin and it is more than turning from it. In the root for repent is the idea that we abhor or hate the sin so much that we desire to turn from it and head another direction. We don't cling to it, return to it or long for it....repent means we abhor it. Wow, when I look at it that way, it makes we wonder how much sin I have repented from verse how much I am just sorry for. Repentance comes from a godly sorrow over sin-which is so much more than being sorry for my sin. Repentance means I can't tolerate it, I don't like it, I can't stand it, I don't want to be around it, I must get away from it, I don't want to look on it, I HATE IT. I guess this is why Jesus said many will call me Lord and not enter....because most have not repented...we are just sorry. REPENT...for the kingdom of heaven is a hand.ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Everyone is looking for PURPOSE. We all want a "reason for being". Many think purpose is found in success and money. And yet God's ordained purpose is not usually found in success, it is found in a calling. Because we have been blinded by the world's thinking of purpose, we were never fully enabled to discover our Purpose in life. This is why we are all still searching for it. But what if we discovered that our Purpose/calling is not found in what we do...but in who we are made to be-reflections of the Creator? What if we found that Purpose is realized in not having to be something you are not....but in being what you were created to be...
God made us on PURPOSE, for HIS PURPOSE...we don't need to discover our PURPOSE, but be reminded of HIS....ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


"By delaying repentance, sin strengthens and the heart hardens. The longer ice freezes, the harder it is to be broken." Thomas Watson was wise when he wrote the above. You must deal with sin swiftly, before it strengthens and your heart hardens. Most of us delay and deny our sin. I am finding that the first step in finding freedom is to NOT deny, but deal....put it out there, be honest and real. And then after NOT delay in handling hiding, no masking, just dealing. Because the one who can own up to their sin is greater than the one who merely knows how to hide it!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Journeying with the Lord is not without RISK. You have to choose to be vulnerable, transparent and to walk roads that you can't see where they lead. You must stand in the face of all the world shouts. And to do these things, is a RISK. You RISK losing acceptance, love, success, happiness, pleasure and health. And yet, God has not called us to be Christians that don't take that RISK. We are to RISK it all, take off the mask, become transparent and vulnerable-knowing all the while what you might lose.
But journeying in with Christ, though often feels like a RISK, is not a RISK at all. In fact, when we are willing to realize that RISKING means winning-for us, then we have taken the first step in freedom! For is anything truly a RISK with God?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Free to Breathe

Sometimes the weight of this world keeps us from being able to breathe. The stilfling activities of life cause the peace that God gives to be overlooked and we begin to run on a treadmill that is going no where. I have longed for a time when I could just journey with God, Breathe deep-inhale, exhale-Him and enjoy the journey-enjoying Him. Many wonder if it is possible-to journey, to enjoy, to breathe, to find peace-to get off the treadmill. IT IS! You can be free to breathe, to dance again, to lift your hands to call Him Abba, to rest in Him, to be free and at peace again. Thankyou Abba, for making me FREE TO BREATHE....ALL FOR YOU

Monday, August 22, 2005

Peace be still

Where is stillness found.....right beside BE....the great I AM....we find peace in the stillness, beside Be. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, August 19, 2005

refining moments

There is a difference in what defines you and what refines you. You are defined by who you are (or are not). You are refined by those moments that challenge who you are. God promises that we will all be refined-as silver-tried through the fire. It is how we respond to those moments that who we are is seen. Refining moments are necessary so that we can see what is truly in our hearts. The fire is going to be hot...but that refining is what allows us to reflect our Maker! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

what defines you

Many of us are living our lives trying to discover "who we are". For a lot of us our jobs define us. Our children define us, our families or spouses. Some of us are defined by our economic status, others by their atheletic ability. But all these things change and thus what defines you....changes and therefore we continually struggle with our self worth. What truly defines each of us is not what we do, who we are, who we hang out with, how much money we have or any of our abilities. What defines us is that we KNOW who HE is and in light of that....who we are not. That makes us who we are....made to be simple reflections of His glory-not fame stealers from a God that outshines us all. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, August 12, 2005


I have been thinking a lot about the cloud of glory that hovered over the tabernacle in the wilderness. It was the cloud that led the way and it was the cloud that was the picture of God's glory. Sometimes I feel like my life is a little cloudy itself-but in a different kind of fog, or something that keeps me from truly seeing. I long for the cloud cover of His glory and to get rid of the cloud of sin that seems to obstruct my view. It is time for God's people to see clearly the glory that was seen in the cloud in the wilderness instead of being satisfied at worshipping from a distance. We have been brought near...if we would only get out of the fog, wake up and see that the glory of the Lord lives within each of us. The cloud all over way or the other!ALL FOR YOU

Monday, August 08, 2005

Relationships Rule

Jesus was all about relationships. In fact, He was seldom about religion, about programs or about experiences. Even in the greatest of commands He said to LOVE God and LOVE people. Our greatest challenge in this life will be to not chase after the experiences of this world, but choose to chase after a relationship with God and with others. To make relationship the priority. Jesus understood that in this life will be many experiences, but that the greatest thing in all of life is to know and Love God and people. For it is through relationship that influence is gained. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, August 05, 2005


Probably not one of my stronger points. And yet, I am learning everyday the significance of dying to self, laying aside my pride and being obedient. I am seeing the truths that the Lord dwells among the contrite of heart, the broken and those who have sold their soul for HIS KINGDOM. For many of us, we clamour and fight for our names to be known, for our recognition, for our own glory. but God has not created us for such a purpose. Instead, it is HIS name and HIS renown that is to be the desire of my soul. Humility-I am far from having arrived, however I have choosen live my life for the renown of another....not to me-but to HIS name be the GLORY! ALL FOR YOU

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Life in the breath

Breathing is the most natural of functions, that without we would certainly die. We know that life is in the breath. It is something we take for granted because it just happens without us even thinking. Spiritually speaking, life is in the breath as well. (it is also in the blood-but that is another blog!) We may have skin on our bodies and muscle on our bones, but without the breath of God blown into our nostrils, we are nothing but dry bones! We must inhale and exhale the breath of God. Allow Him to Breathe on us instead of us breathing in the crud of this world. We must choose to inhale what God is longing breathe into our hearts....and then exhale to the world. We are to exhale....what God has put within. So the KEY to live is found in breathing....for LIFE IS IN THE BREATH. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, July 22, 2005

poop in the potty

Today we are all excited because my youngest pooped in the potty. This is a victory for all of us. I know that sounds weird, but it is a cool thing when you learn to get rid of the excess in your life in the correct way. Whether it is poop in the potty or sin. When you learn to deal with it correctly-it is a victory. ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, July 21, 2005

ready to learn

Lately, all the talk is about getting ready for school. We buy new shoes, new clothes, school supplies. We begin to schedule our lives, our vacations and our sleep around school. School is a great thing-a necessary thing-that we might not always like, but something that is not optional for any of us. I was thinking that maybe we ought to think the same way about our spiritual education/discipleship. We should gear up, get the necessary tools, spend the necessary money, schedule our lives, our sleep, our time off around learning what God has for us. It need not be optional, it is a necessary thing that we may not always like, but something we can't NOT do. So the question today is are you ready to learn? And what are you learning? ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

rough days

Today has been a rough one. In the last week, the computer crashed for good, my son had to have $1500 in dental work, my other son had to have braces put on ($1800), my car a/c went out ($1000) and my husbands car broke down. I sat on the curb at the gas station waiting to be picked up because I was driving the car when it broke and wanted to just cry. I was aggravated, frustrated and down right disappointed. And then the Lord reminded me....He gives and takes away....blessed be the name of the Lord. I am to be a reflection of His glory in good and bad times-so today was my chance. Can't say that I shined too brightly, but I am working on it-even when I have a rough day!ALL FOR YOU

Saturday, July 09, 2005

raging waters

My dad wrote me the other day to tell me of a young boy who during the hurricane thought it would be a cool idea to jump into some of the fast moving water. He and some friends were hanging around a culvert and the water was moving through the tunnel/culvert pretty quickly. He thought it would be kind of like a waterslide and jumped in-expecting an adventure. The young boy drowned.
We often look at sin as a raging adventure, a cool idea and something we are ready to jump head first into...only later to find out that the ride was not what we thought, killing us.
The only raging waters we need to be jumping into....are the ones that cleanse us from all unrighteousness...the Living water of Life.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I am not...

I have been reminded the last few days of what I am NOT...For most people that might be a downer of a day, but for me...It is a reminder of what I was made to be. I am NOT God. I am NOT in charge. I am NOT in control. I am NOT all knowing. I am NOT...
For me, it is important to be reminded of what I am NOT, so that I can remember what I am. I am a child of the King. I am loved by God. I am free from the power of sin. I am a bondservant-in the service of another.
Knowing who I am and who I am not...helps me remember that this life is not about me at all.....ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Yes, I said RUN NAKED...but I guess I had better clarify what I mean. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they were unaware of their nakedness and unashamed because there was no sin in their lives. Once they sinned, they realized they were naked and sought out clothing to cover themselves and their sin. I am quickly coming to a place where my heart is no longer to cover my sin and to be ashamed, but to be able to run totaly expose myself and my heart to God-not hiding from Him, but running after Him totally exposed. For I know that my Daddy is all about covering my sin for me...i don't have to hide, cover it myself-in fact the opposite is true...I need to run naked...after Him...ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, June 16, 2005


There are days that seem good and othes that seem so dark that you wonder if you will ever crawl out of the darkness. And yet, I was recently reminded of the work that God does in the darkness. God shines brightly, even in the Light....which is an awesome thought-for something to shine in the light. But God is seen even clearer in the darkness. We all have good days and bad. So whether God is shining in the Light or piercing the darkness-cling to Him and know that it is always darkest before the dawn. ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

live or die

I love the passage that says to live is Christ and to die is gain. I am learning so much about living and dying. They are not 2 separate or death. Actually and I am learning they are one and the same, life and death. To truly live you must die. To truly embrace this life and live it to the fullest is to die to self and live for Christ. To die is to truly live...for in death is life-eternal, but to be satisfied this side of heaven is to find that I must die everyday so that He might live. ALL FOR YOU

Sunday, June 05, 2005

intentional relationships

in this busy life....unless we are intentional about developing and relationship with someone, it just won't happen. Intentional relationships mean you make time for those you want the relationship with. Intentional relationships means you invest in someone else. Intentional relationships means you take time to invest in someone else so that you have influence for the cause of Christ. Jesus was all about the relationship....with His FATHER, with His disciples and with You. I think we can take from His lead and be intentional about investing in others for the sake of His name and for His glory! ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, June 02, 2005

the blame game

from the beginning of has been all about the blame game. Adam didn't want to own his sin so he blamed Eve. Eve didn't want to own her sin so she blamed the serpent. And so, I guess we should not be surprised that even today people have a hard time owning their sin. There is something in all of us that wants to blame something or someone else for the predicament we are in. I hate the blame game. The Lord has been teaching me to own my sin...if I do it...just confess it and He is quick to forgive. But when we pass the buck, blame others, justify, point fingers...i truly wonder how much confessing and forgiveness is found in that.
Ironically, we play the blame game and Jesus just takes it. He came and took all of our sin and the blame for it so that we can stand in His righteousness. Not a bad deal for us....but still no reason to play the game.
Own your sin!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

all settled in....

Well, a lot has happened since my last post....we sold our home, moved into our new house and have been trying to get settled in. We are loving the new house and the new space. God has been so gracious. I was thinking today about how much this place feels like home....mostly because it has been so evident that this was God's place for us. I am beginning to understand the phrase....going to prepare a place for us...both earthly and heavenly. I know He is preparing a place for me in His Father's house, but He also goes before me here and prepares the way for us. So I have decided to just settle in, let Him "drive the truck" because I am just along for the ride anyways. The problems come when I try to we all might as well settle in and enjoy the is a beautiful view-when we aren't fighting for control of the steering wheel.
So settle in, let Him drive the truck and enjoy the journey. He is preparing the way!


Friday, April 22, 2005


in life, friends come and go. For whatever reason, relationships change. There is loss involved and grief comes. Yet, it can not be stopped or changed-it simply happens. We invest a lot of ourselves in those friendships and relationships. I just wonder if we took that effort-in chasing after other people and spending time with them and used it to invest in our relationship with God-what the difference might be. Because there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother-one who will never betray you, change, or leave. He is worth pursuing above all other relationships. A TRUE Covenant Friend.ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Walls are intended to keep things in OR keep things out. Walls can be good things. In fact, Nehemiah was a man who was burdened because the Walls were down and knew that God's children were at the mercy of the world due to the walls being in ruins. So there is a protective need to have walls around us. However, walls can also be bad, for when we build them around us and don't let things in that need to come in-we can miss out on what God has for us. God doesn't want us to build a wall around our hearts to keep good things out. That is why for ALL walls there must be gate...a way for the good to get in, but also a protected entrance so the bad doesn't come in as well. Walls....good and bad. Which ones have you built...? Are you just keeping stuff out...or are you a gated community, alert and watching what passes through the gate, but open to what the Lord wants to come in? ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


As I prepare to move, my task is to put our entire life into a box. That is both a good and bad thing. It certainly makes it easier for moving and transport, however, it is kinda sad. All of life, taped up and compartmentalized. I would rather live outside the box, so that I could see and enjoy life. But for many of us we struggle with being inside the box...because their is comfort and "sense" there. For others of us we struggle outside the box with too much freedom. God wanted us to see and enjoy His glory and His creation, living outside the box, but He desires that we do so within the boundaries of His design and ways. Balance and Boxes...necessary to make it work. Live outside the box, between the lines, but within the plan! ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


What you do with the answer is as important as asking the question. For me, I want the answer so I can set my feet in a direction and walk. But I am learning it is not always about walking, sometimes it is about listening, learning, growing, being stretched, standing still, being teachable and being willing to change. I ask Why alot...I don't always get the answer, but the journey is far more significant than the answer and I am learning to trust the God I know and not the answers I don't understand. For in the end it all works out for our good and His glory! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


We all have questions and wonder WHY....we even ask God why....and then feel guilty because we should just trust. And yet, we are to come to God with childlike faith. As a child, I always asked WHY. Asking why is what helped me to learn. I was a WHY child. But it was through asking those questions that I learned the answers. Sometimes it was "because I said so", other times is was a given answer that helped me to understand. But it was through asking that I learned and grew. I think the same is true of our walks with God. We should not feel guilty for asking WHY...but accept the answer either way- because HE said so or the solid answer. The asking of WHY is not the is what we do with the answer...that often causes us to stumble....So be a WHY child, but accept the answers and obey! That is childlike faith!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

All about Presence

It seems like no matter how old you are, we are all about presents. Whether it is Easter Dresses, Easter baskets, birthday presents, Christmas Presents, Mother's day/Father's day Presents, presents when the parents go away, Valentine's presents-the list could continue. We are all about getting presents. Presents are cool and I love getting them as much as the next person, but I was thinking that maybe if we were as much as PRESENCE as we were about presents, that things would be different in all of our lives. If we lived for the Presence of God instead of the Presents He can give us...maybe we would live and move differently. I was just thinking...maybe is should be all about Presence instead of presents. ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Do you ever feel guilty for asking God for MORE. He sent His son to save us from eternity separated from Him and yet we still ask for MORE. We still Yearn for MORE from Him, MORE of Him, MORE....and yet, I believe that is exactly what God wants. Not for us to come for our handouts, but to yearn for MORE. To not be satisfied, but to want MORE.
I wanna Yearn for You, I wanna burn with passion for You and only You.
When I think about the Lord and how He saved me, how He raised me, how He filled me up with the Holy Ghost, how He healed me to the makes me wanna shout Hallelujah, thankyou Jesus, Lord You are worthy of all the Glory, all the Honor and all the praise.
And yet....I yearn for MORE of you....thankyou for drawing me and for revealing More and More....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I have been praying for the Lord to provide for awhile now. And yet in the fervancy of that prayer, I missed something very crucial. HE HAS BEEN. I have been praying for a specific provision and while I have been so focussed on that provision, I have missed that He has been providing everyday, all along. I have asked Him to be my Jehovah provide-and He has. He has been faithful everystep of the way. I am praying that He provides specific ways, but the truth is He is providing everyday, I don't want to miss that! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Move or be moved...that is the phrase that comes to mind today. Moving is on my mind these it is what I am praying for. However, spiritually I am wondering how many of us are content right where we are. We get comfortable in the same place we have been. We like how it feels. We know what to expect. We know how to respond. No big highs or lows. Yet, I am convinced that our walks with Christ are just that...walks...journeys that never stand still-always moving towards or away from something/someone. Complancency is our enemy and yet it is also our home. It is time for us to move or be moved, for if we are not moving, we are in the way and need to be moved. God, move me! In ALL tenses of the VERB! ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Believing in God is not a big risk for me. In fact it is not a big deal at all. I can't remember a time when I didn't believe in God and follow after Him. However, I am learning that the Believing God is a whole different issue. More than Believing in Him, I must Believe Him. I thought that I Believed Him and yet when the rubber met the road on issues of life, I found myself doubting....not doubting in God-for I believe and trust HIM, but doubting God-questioning, seeing my faith is really small. So today, I have chosen to Believe God-to trust Him. For me, that means today, I pray Trusting and Believing that Big things will happen, needs will be met-instead of hoping that He will meet them...I am believing that He will. It is a step of faith-it is hoping despite fear-it is asking in faith, believing...God WILL answer. For feels like a risk...but i am praying the dividends will be incredible! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

scarry adventures

Chasing the dream is a scarry adventure. It takes courage and strength that only God can provide. Today, i feel pretty weak in that journey, but I am reminded by Scripture that when you feel weak, REMEMBER-all the things you know and have learned along the way, cling to the God you KNOW and not what you see. When I am afraid, I will trust in is all I is ALL FOR YOU

Saturday, March 05, 2005

worry and unbelief

I am finding that there is a direct connection between worry and unbelief. Jesus tells us in Matthew that we should not worry about tomorrow because as much as the Lord cares for the sparrow and the lillies of the field, He cares for me more. He already knows my needs and after all He is Jehovah Jireh-the Lord that provides. And yet, I find myself worrying. My faith is small and unbelief continually creeps in when I can't see what is around the next bend. I feel like the man who responded to Christ....I do my unbelief. Or like the disciples who cried out for the Lord to Increase their faith...I know I am not alone in this journey. Worry, Unbelief, small faiths...God help our unbelief! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I have said for awhile now that choices determine our choose wisely and own your choice. Whether to live for Him or die for Him-a choice. Whether to cling to sin or to the cross-a choice. Whether to let go of self or chase after Christ-a choice. And with each choice-our future is determined.
We all have a I choose to die, to cling to the cross and to chase after Christ. It is a choice I must make everyday in order to reach the promised land. I don't want to be left wondering in a wilderness because of bad choices. So may my eyes be fixed on the One who never fails or forsakes us. May I be strong and courageous. May I never waiver and may I always choose wisely-pursuing the King and not a kingdom, passionate about God and forever choosing to die to who I am so that I might glorify Him. That is the wise choice!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Ever had a craving...for food, fun or fellowship? I do...I crave chocolate. In fact, as I sit here, I could sure go for and Icey Mocah-the perfect combination of my 2 favorites, coffee and chocolate. Cravings can be good or bad thing, depending on what you crave. However, there is one thing I have learned. You crave only what you KNOW. I don't crave beer....cause I don't drink. And I don't crave tomato sandwiches because I don't eat them. I crave what I have had and what I like. If this is true...then we need to be careful what we allow our flesh to experience because we could start craving things that we shouldn't. This is why we struggle with the flesh and sin....because we allow ourselves to be tempted to taste or experience things we should not and then we crave those things. At that point...the battle is on. What are you is what you have been feeding your flesh? If you are struggling with what you crave-start feeding your flesh things of the Lord-so your body will begin to crave those things instead. I want an icey mocha, but I also want to spend time with the Lord today-I crave that...because I feed my flesh what I want to crave! Start having some good cravings for a change! Taste and see that the Lord is good...and then CRAVE that! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


we all have DREAMS. But not all of our dreams are God's DREAM for us. Sometimes, we chase after things that seem good, but are not what God has for us. We all DREAM of earthly things, but I often wonder if God's DREAM for us has little to do with things here on earth. I mean....earthly stuff. God's DREAM must be more than houses and lands, jobs and goals. In fact, Scripture says that God is looking over all the earth to find a man whose heart is fully devoted to Him. Could it be that God's DREAM for us is to be fully devoted to Him? Could His DREAM become ours? Are we truly willing to go through what it may mean for that to be true of us?
I DREAM of houses and families and sons. I DREAM of vacations and romantic evenings in the moonlight. None of those things are wrong....but God's DREAM is so much more...and although I long for earthly things, I am beginning to understand that the desires of my heart will be fulfilled when my desire is HIS-to be fully devoted to Him. For it is then, that the earthly things don't matter any longer. DREAM BIG....signed, the DREAMGIVER.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

simple faith

The faith of a child is all it takes. The trust to leap and know a parent will catch you. The belief that all your needs will be met. Small faith, simple faith. Sometimes we just make it complicated. God has been so gracious to be VERY plain with me-at times. And yet, for all that I still doubt. I criticize the children of Israel for such small faith and yet struggle with the same thing. Just that belief there is power. I am learning that faith is a matter of choice. Choosing to simply believe! I am but a mere mortal man, striving for a simple faith, though living in a body of flesh. He is a very BIG God that is worth of my faith. So today....I is! Believe! Trust! Sometimes the hardest things are simple. ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

small faith

The disciples asked the Lord to increase their faith. Lately, I have found myself with the same prayer. And yet, I have found that walking that road is a difficult one, because it means the Lord putting you in places that you MUST learn to trust what you can not see-but trust what you know to be true about HIM. Faith is believing in what you can't see. I don't know that I own that truth yet, but I am so encouraged by a God that wants to increase my faith and yet understands my fraility in that learning process and gives me things I can SEE along the way so that I can trust a little more. I have thought for a long time that my faith was strong, but I am seeing more everyday how small my faith is-because it is so dependent upon what I can see. Faith that is dependent on what we can see, figure out and touch is not really faith at all. I am wondering how many other people struggle with this? Is it just me? Can we all learn to take a step of faith-out of our comfort zone, into what we can not see, but trust God for. It is there....our faith is grown. And that kind of FAITH can move mountains. All it takes is a little-for a lot to be accomplished. Faith is not about seeing, it is about believing. So today....may my small faith trust a very big God. ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, February 10, 2005

duct tape

Duct tape, it can fix just about anything. Most people think duct tape was created to fix ducts, but actually it wasn't and it doesn't! Much like duct tape there are 101 things we can do with our lives...instead of chasing the one thing we were created to do. I was created to be holy, a people for God's possession, zealous for good deeds and His glory. Holy people reflect a divine God's GLORY. We all want glory to show up in our lives, but few of us want the process of holiness that is required for it to fall. HOLY PEOPLE see the GLORY. We can find some really good uses for our lives-just like duct tape, but we function best when we do what we were created to do-be a HOLY PEOPLE, for HIS possession, showing HIS GLORY to the world. ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Promised Lands

I dream of a place of quiet rest, rolling hills, a place to relax...a place that I call home. I dream of a place where the fruit of our labor is great and abundant. I dream of place where His glory outshines the sun. I dream of a PROMISED LAND-a land full of hope, dreams and goodness. But sometimes, on hard days, I do wonder if that place is a dream. Fortunately, today is NOT one of those days. Today is a day that I am reminded that to get to the Promised Land, the wasteland must be endured. In order to enter the PROMISED LAND, the wilderness must be traversed. Promised Lands are great, but the journey there is never easy. In fact, God reminded Joshua as he led the people to the PROMISED LAND, to be strong and courageous-to not fear! Why? because there would be things along the way that would cause fear and discouragement. And even upon arrival, they had to dispossess the land of the Giants that lived there before they could inhabit the land. So I may be chasing the dream of a PROMISED LAND-but on this journey I must remember to be strong and courageous, to not fear or be discouraged, to endure the wasteland, to fight off those things that would threaten my Promised Land....but most of all to TRUST the God that PROMSIED THE LAND and yearn for Him as much as it! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bubble Gum Days

I had one of those days know, like I talked about in the surrender blog. I won't go into the details, except to say that I am glad yesterday is over and today is a new one. However, the thing to be considered is that God takes what is intended for evil and makes it good....for us and for His glory. All things work together for our GOOD and His GLORY. Again, I find myself thankful for His grace that saves, instructs, disciplines and teaches me how to live everyday. To live sensibly, righteously and godly in this world. Because it is His grace that is teaching me to die to myself-especially on bubble gum days. To simply lay aside all that I am in the course of difficulty and say death to me so that Christ might live in me. It is so much easier to deal with life, when I am dead...(think about that one!) ALL FOR YOU

Friday, February 04, 2005

the death of me

I am reminded once again that in order for CHRIST to be made much of us, that I must die. He is my only HOPE of GLORY. Christ in me. Thus to live is death and to die is gain. Sounds odd, but if He is most glorified when I am most satisfied and I am most satisfied when He is most glorifed, then DEATH is life and life is death. Thus I can rejoice in the death of me.


We all want it...we seldom extend it. Grace-getting what we don't deserve. But so much more than that. Grace is Jesus and Scripture says that grace instructs us. Wow, when we think about that-do we really want it. I do! Grace instructs us to deny worldliness and ungodliness and to live sensibly, righteously and godly. Grace is more than forgiveness when we sin or getting passed over when we sin. It is that which teaches and reproves me. I am thankful for a Grace that saves....but am I as thankful for the GRACE that instructs? His grace still amazes me.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


TREEHOUSE GUY has a blog too. Check it out at


I'm drinking coffee out of my big bear mug and thinking how great life is. Not because anything great has happened, but simply because I don't ever want to take for granted how GOOD GOD is. So if you are sitting there reading this and your day isn't great-or maybe it is...stop long enough to remember that this life is not about today, yesterday or even is about FOREVER. DOXA
oh, by the way....the coffee is great...have some!


I have often wondered why the Lord allows difficutly. My mom used to call these days Bubblegum days. You know, days where everything is going wrong and then you step in bubblegum-which would normally be nothing more than an aggravation-but on this day it totally cause you to flip out. Then I realized that the reason for Bubblegum days is so that we can remember to give up. On days like those, I just want to give up and stop being me. I just want to give in and quit trying so hard. but isn't that exactly what the Father to give up, surrender and quit trying and simply allow Him the freedom to work in our lives. I have come to the conclusion that bubble gum days are meant so that we will be reminded of the state in which we are to live everyday....a state of surrender

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

it's all for you
for his glory

for his glory
for his glory

For His Glory

have you ever wondered why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing? have you ever thought that there must be more? have you ever wondered if there was some big plan you are supposed to be fit into, but you can't seem to figure it out. Well, the answer is a resounding Yes. There is more, there is a plan, there is something bigger than yourself that you can live for. If that is what you are looking is found in living for something other than yourself. How do you do that? You die to self and allow Jesus Christ to Live within you. That power alone is enough to give you purpose. But, there is more......

For His Glory2

More, we all want more of it. And yet, we are never satisfied. Can we find more in being less. I can't help but think that was God's intent. For as we decrease, He increases. How contrary to our culture and yet the answer to the purpose in life is not found in more. It is not found in this world at all. It is found in being made small so that He is made great. In that....purpose is found

For His Glory3

Nothing more...nothing less than death to self can bring a life that can be blessed. We can not continue to live in search of satisfaction of self. We will only be most satisfied when He is most glorified....