Thursday, June 30, 2005


Yes, I said RUN NAKED...but I guess I had better clarify what I mean. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they were unaware of their nakedness and unashamed because there was no sin in their lives. Once they sinned, they realized they were naked and sought out clothing to cover themselves and their sin. I am quickly coming to a place where my heart is no longer to cover my sin and to be ashamed, but to be able to run totaly expose myself and my heart to God-not hiding from Him, but running after Him totally exposed. For I know that my Daddy is all about covering my sin for me...i don't have to hide, cover it myself-in fact the opposite is true...I need to run naked...after Him...ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, June 16, 2005


There are days that seem good and othes that seem so dark that you wonder if you will ever crawl out of the darkness. And yet, I was recently reminded of the work that God does in the darkness. God shines brightly, even in the Light....which is an awesome thought-for something to shine in the light. But God is seen even clearer in the darkness. We all have good days and bad. So whether God is shining in the Light or piercing the darkness-cling to Him and know that it is always darkest before the dawn. ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

live or die

I love the passage that says to live is Christ and to die is gain. I am learning so much about living and dying. They are not 2 separate or death. Actually and I am learning they are one and the same, life and death. To truly live you must die. To truly embrace this life and live it to the fullest is to die to self and live for Christ. To die is to truly live...for in death is life-eternal, but to be satisfied this side of heaven is to find that I must die everyday so that He might live. ALL FOR YOU

Sunday, June 05, 2005

intentional relationships

in this busy life....unless we are intentional about developing and relationship with someone, it just won't happen. Intentional relationships mean you make time for those you want the relationship with. Intentional relationships means you invest in someone else. Intentional relationships means you take time to invest in someone else so that you have influence for the cause of Christ. Jesus was all about the relationship....with His FATHER, with His disciples and with You. I think we can take from His lead and be intentional about investing in others for the sake of His name and for His glory! ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, June 02, 2005

the blame game

from the beginning of has been all about the blame game. Adam didn't want to own his sin so he blamed Eve. Eve didn't want to own her sin so she blamed the serpent. And so, I guess we should not be surprised that even today people have a hard time owning their sin. There is something in all of us that wants to blame something or someone else for the predicament we are in. I hate the blame game. The Lord has been teaching me to own my sin...if I do it...just confess it and He is quick to forgive. But when we pass the buck, blame others, justify, point fingers...i truly wonder how much confessing and forgiveness is found in that.
Ironically, we play the blame game and Jesus just takes it. He came and took all of our sin and the blame for it so that we can stand in His righteousness. Not a bad deal for us....but still no reason to play the game.
Own your sin!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

all settled in....

Well, a lot has happened since my last post....we sold our home, moved into our new house and have been trying to get settled in. We are loving the new house and the new space. God has been so gracious. I was thinking today about how much this place feels like home....mostly because it has been so evident that this was God's place for us. I am beginning to understand the phrase....going to prepare a place for us...both earthly and heavenly. I know He is preparing a place for me in His Father's house, but He also goes before me here and prepares the way for us. So I have decided to just settle in, let Him "drive the truck" because I am just along for the ride anyways. The problems come when I try to we all might as well settle in and enjoy the is a beautiful view-when we aren't fighting for control of the steering wheel.
So settle in, let Him drive the truck and enjoy the journey. He is preparing the way!