Saturday, July 23, 2005

Life in the breath

Breathing is the most natural of functions, that without we would certainly die. We know that life is in the breath. It is something we take for granted because it just happens without us even thinking. Spiritually speaking, life is in the breath as well. (it is also in the blood-but that is another blog!) We may have skin on our bodies and muscle on our bones, but without the breath of God blown into our nostrils, we are nothing but dry bones! We must inhale and exhale the breath of God. Allow Him to Breathe on us instead of us breathing in the crud of this world. We must choose to inhale what God is longing breathe into our hearts....and then exhale to the world. We are to exhale....what God has put within. So the KEY to live is found in breathing....for LIFE IS IN THE BREATH. ALL FOR YOU

Friday, July 22, 2005

poop in the potty

Today we are all excited because my youngest pooped in the potty. This is a victory for all of us. I know that sounds weird, but it is a cool thing when you learn to get rid of the excess in your life in the correct way. Whether it is poop in the potty or sin. When you learn to deal with it correctly-it is a victory. ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, July 21, 2005

ready to learn

Lately, all the talk is about getting ready for school. We buy new shoes, new clothes, school supplies. We begin to schedule our lives, our vacations and our sleep around school. School is a great thing-a necessary thing-that we might not always like, but something that is not optional for any of us. I was thinking that maybe we ought to think the same way about our spiritual education/discipleship. We should gear up, get the necessary tools, spend the necessary money, schedule our lives, our sleep, our time off around learning what God has for us. It need not be optional, it is a necessary thing that we may not always like, but something we can't NOT do. So the question today is are you ready to learn? And what are you learning? ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

rough days

Today has been a rough one. In the last week, the computer crashed for good, my son had to have $1500 in dental work, my other son had to have braces put on ($1800), my car a/c went out ($1000) and my husbands car broke down. I sat on the curb at the gas station waiting to be picked up because I was driving the car when it broke and wanted to just cry. I was aggravated, frustrated and down right disappointed. And then the Lord reminded me....He gives and takes away....blessed be the name of the Lord. I am to be a reflection of His glory in good and bad times-so today was my chance. Can't say that I shined too brightly, but I am working on it-even when I have a rough day!ALL FOR YOU

Saturday, July 09, 2005

raging waters

My dad wrote me the other day to tell me of a young boy who during the hurricane thought it would be a cool idea to jump into some of the fast moving water. He and some friends were hanging around a culvert and the water was moving through the tunnel/culvert pretty quickly. He thought it would be kind of like a waterslide and jumped in-expecting an adventure. The young boy drowned.
We often look at sin as a raging adventure, a cool idea and something we are ready to jump head first into...only later to find out that the ride was not what we thought, killing us.
The only raging waters we need to be jumping into....are the ones that cleanse us from all unrighteousness...the Living water of Life.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I am not...

I have been reminded the last few days of what I am NOT...For most people that might be a downer of a day, but for me...It is a reminder of what I was made to be. I am NOT God. I am NOT in charge. I am NOT in control. I am NOT all knowing. I am NOT...
For me, it is important to be reminded of what I am NOT, so that I can remember what I am. I am a child of the King. I am loved by God. I am free from the power of sin. I am a bondservant-in the service of another.
Knowing who I am and who I am not...helps me remember that this life is not about me at all.....ALL FOR YOU