Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas on the outside

My mom was decorating her house for Christmas this week. She was frustrated because she was tired and didn't have time to get it all done. She wanted to get the lights up on the outside of the house. As they were working to get the lights up outside, she made a statement to my Dad that shook her after she made it. She said. "if I can just get it to look like Christmas on the outside, I won't worry about the inside."
Isn't that how most of us live? If we can just get the outside looking okay, we won't worry about the inside. We just want everyone to think all is well because we decorate the outside. We are more concerned with how things look.
Jesus addressed such issues. We might wash the outside of the cup, but the inside is still dirty. He called those people hypocrites. Many of us are more concerned with the outside "looking like Christmas" while the inside is still has crummy as usual. Jesus is sickened by such activity. He is looking for those who are full on worshippers. But more than that, He is looking for those who will not pretend that all is well, by dressing up the outside while the inside is a mess. Jesus is frustrated with people like this because they are harder to be touched by the Master, because they are too busy keeping the outside decorated to actually work on the inside. And they fear what others will see if they do actually work on the inside. Fortunately, my Mom was disgusted with herself for such a statement-for she is not a hypocrite, but one who is quick to see where Jesus wants to work. However, her thought was an honest one that most of us have...let's just look like everything is okay-and pretend. I don't want to be one who is simply decorated for Christmas, but one who is celebrating Christ all year long-outside and in!ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


God is awakening things in my heart. The truths He is opening my heart to excite me as I see Him at work in me....but I am grieved as well, both for my own sin and for what I see around me. I am truly praying for a great awakening. I was asking the Lord today to awaken the slumbering church...His sin, to His presence...and to repentance.
For years, I have tried to act more religious than I say the right things, to play the role of ministers wife. But my heart is being awakened to the fact that God does not want me to look religious to look good or to wear that religious mask. He is not happy with the civilized Christianity that our society likes to see. He is awakening my soul to a whole new kind of walk. I have my ear to heaven and am hearing more clearly than ever. I am tired of the religious and those who pretend...i just want to see some REAL Christians...chasing Him...and I want to be one of them! I don't want to see religious people who go to church, but people who are sold out, in love, passionate, intimate and journeying with God-on good AND bad days. I want to be that person and have laid down the mask of religion and am choosing to chase, to listen, to journey and to press in so that I may know HIM.
The greatest awakenings were birthed in prayer...I want to be stirred to the point of change....and have my heart awakened from the slumber. I am so burdened over the many who see truth, but are choosing not to walk in it because of what they might lose or what it might require of them here on earth. Choices....determine our future.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for a new home, church, family and friends...but, I am most grateful that the Lord is "undoing" me....I want to be undone...and to see Him clearly. I am most thankful that as more of me dies, more of Him lives in me. And I am crying out for undoing, an awakening and a stirring of our hearts to lay aside religion and become a bride ready for the bridegroom, a follower that listens to the leader, a slave that serves the master and a son that longs to obey and love the Father. AWAKEN ME!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Out biggest problem in our journey's with the Lord is that we don't cooperate with God. He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. He has placed His Spirit within us to help us with our weaknesses. He has not called us to do anything that He has not equipped us to be able to do. Why is it we fight against Him? We don't subject ourselves to His authority. We are not obedient and therefore there is war in our souls. What if I cooperated? submitted? obeyed? allowed the Spirit full reign? Would there be freedom from the battle? My biggest problem is not cooperating with what God is doing, but I am learning that cooperating beats warring against a God who is going to win. What He has for me is better than I can achieve. I must not be deceived into thinking that what God would ask or want from me would not be the best for me and for His glory. I must not believe the lie that what the world has to offer might be better than what God requires. Another words....I must cooperate with what God is doing....and quit fighting it....ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

marvelous sight

Why is it that we think what we can accomplish on our own is better than what God can accomplish? Isn't faith and hope trusting in what we can not see? I think we miss out on great things because we only have faith and hope in what is seen. Romans 8 says, hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one hope for what he sees....that does not take faith! But the Spirit of God helps our weaknesses. I must confess, sometimes I am weak in this area. I do Believe that what God can do is better and more than I can do, but sometimes I am deceived into what I can see instead of hoping in what I can't. I am laying that down today-to say that I am waiting and watching for the Lord's doing-hoping and believing in what He is doing and knowing that it will be marvelous when He is done.
Ps 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

watching words

I have found myself lately, worried and anxious-which is not like me. Although, it isn't over life, food, shelter, clothing or the normal worries of life. It is over the KINGDOM. I have found myself concerned over what is going to happen in the future in the Kingdom of God. Maybe worried isn't the right word. Maybe, burdened is better. But in the sweetness of the Father, He gave me a Word this morning that I take comfort in. Jer 1:9 and 11. "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it." The things God has promised and said, He is watching over them to bring them about. I must be faithful to pray, but I must also realize that He is watching over these things-I don't have to. The great I AM is going to perform these things-I AM NOT! His word to me-WATCH AND SEE!ALL FOR YOU

Monday, November 07, 2005

Real men stand up

okay....number 2 blog from the bathroom...but hey, it is working!
My 3 year old has been potty trained for about 6 months. But for the life of me I have been unable to get him to go standing up. Maybe it is because I am a woman. But today, he saw his brother do it and for whatever reason it clicked. And guess what-break through...yep, he did it standing up. Then he had to call his dad and tell him and share with all his friends at MMO that he did it standing up.
Okay, I know this seems a little crass after yesterdays blog, but there is a point worth making.
Real men stand up. There is a process of becoming a man. The issue is not can you do it....the issue is do you stand up. NO...I am not talking about bathrooms any more. There comes a time, when men must make a stand. To stand up and be MEN. Sure you are a man, but BEING a man means standing up for what is right, when it is hard, inspite of persecution, despite loss. Real Men stand up, no matter the cost, regardless of what everyone else thinks whenever it is required. Real Men stand up.
My son is in the process of learning that. It started at the potty, but I pray it doesn't stop there.
The question you stand up?

bad smells and fans

Why is it that a lot of my lessons come from times in the bathroom? I don't know...either. Yesterday, Micah was in the bathroom doing his business-if you know what I mean. For a little kid, he sure can stink it up. So, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the fan. He immediately let me know that he did not want the fan on. He told me to leave, so I would not smell the stink. I explained that the fan would remove the stink, but he refused the assistance.
It got me thinking, what kind of person wants to sit in his own stink? (other than And then I was reminded of the fact that there are many of us who refuse the assistance of the Father to remove the stinch of sin in our lives. Instead, we would rather sit in our own sin/stench instead of allowing the Father to remove it.
I realized later that Micah is afraid of the fan-I guess the sound it makes frightens him. Again, it made me step back and question how many of us are afraid of the process that is required to remove the sin from our lives and therefore we would choose to remain in it.
Don't be a 3 year old....don't sit in your sin or your stench...allow the Father to help you deal-there is nothing to be afraid of. Your aroma will be better afterwards. Until then, the everyone around will know what you are sitting in!