Have you ever wondered why God does things? I mean, let's be honest. Some of the things God does-I don't understand. That is until I finally figured out the context of why God does everything.
To the human eye and heart, we would question why God let's children get sick or die? Why houses burn to the ground? Why good people are killed in car wrecks? Why tornados, hurricanes and drought? Why tsunami's or famine?
Then I began to understood that the whole reason anything exists at all is for the GLORY of God. I know there are many who struggle with this thought, because it makes God sound all about God. For some, that is a hard concept, because we want God to be all about us. But if God is all about us, then He isn't really God-we become god to God. For whatever you are most passionate about, most focussed on, whatever you love the most, is the priority of life-that is your God. So for God...it must be God, or He ceases to be. He has no other choice. There is no one like HIM, none to be worshipped or adored. None to be glorified.
Therefore, we exist to glorify God-it is the chief end of man. And Scripture confirms it. Isaiah 43 says we were created for His glory. All throughout Scripture, God affirms it by saying that what He has done, He did for His name's sake-for His glory, that the world may know Him.
I was reading in Isaiah 41 this morning and was reminded once again that the world does not revolve around me or what I want. It revolves around HIM getting glory.
V20 reads:
That they may see and recognize and consider and gain insight as well, that the hand of the Lord has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.
All He has done, is so that we may see, recognize, consider and gain insight into Him. Knowing HIM and Making HIM known!