Have you ever felt imprisoned...not necessarily behind bars, but captive none the less? Held in bonds in something that makes you feel like a prisoner? Have you ever felt trapped in your own life. Captives of our own souls? I have. But once you taste freedom...there is no turning back to that life. Once you taste and see that the Lord is good...well, freedom is an acquired taste. It comes from tasting and then yearning for more-being willing to fight for and to chase after it.
I have been thinking a lot about the issues of FREEDOM. In fact, I have been overwhelmed by the thought from Galations 5:1 that says it is for Freedom that Christ came to set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.
I long for MORE FREEDOM. In fact, I am realizing that God created us to be free. From the beginning it was so...in the garden of Eden. Yet, sin came and took us captive, making us slaves. However, Christ came that we might be free...and free indeed. But not the kind of freedom most of us think. It is the freedom to do what is right, not to do whatever you want. For once we are freed from sin, we are enslaved to God-and God alone.
We were not meant to be captives....we were meant to have freedom.
Col 2 says IF you have died with Christ, (picture of true believer!) to the elementary principles of the world, WHY as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as "do not handle, do not touch." If God has granted us freedom, then why do we live as if we are captive? Why do we continually submit ourselves to the religious rules? The Pharisees had over 600 rules. Just rules...is that freedom? They meant nothing...and Jesus said so. Do we really need rules if we are free? Could it be that freedom is the ability to do what is right without the rules enforced...out of a love, passion, intimate relationship?
In Gal 5, Paul addresses this topic yet again by saying do not subject yourself AGAIN to a yoke of slavery. (he goes on to talk about circumcision-which was an outward sign of religion that people were trying to press in on others.) I love that word again....it so applies to us. AGAIN-as if we have done it before. He knew we were going to do it. He knew that we would be pressed to conform even in church. He knew that His yoke was easy and light and so He speaks to the issues of freedom concerning these things.
God wants us to have freedom, but it is our choice. We must stand firm and choose not to subject ourselves to the yoke of slavery. We must not submit ourselves to the decrees of man, but follow fervantly after God. We must know that Freedom is found in following Him alone.
John 8:36 says if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:32 says that the truth will set you free.
Jesus is all about FREEDOM in HIM.....and that means in HIM....nothing else, nothing more. God is not a warden, but a deliverer. He is so committed to your freedom that He was willing to be taken captive Himself and crucified for it...so that you could run free. But freedom in Him....looks like Psm 119:32: I RUN in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.
Freedom is running after Him and His commands.
Gal 5:13 says for you were called to freedom, only do not turn your freedom in to opportunity to sin, but through love serve one another.
1 Peter 2:16 says act as free man, but do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves to God.
Rom 6:22 says But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.
Freedom.....not to do as you want, but to do what is right. Enslaved to God. So running after His commands that your heart is set free, not bound to the yoke of slavery-of sin or religion, but to be free in the truth, free indeed. Free to serve, free to love, created to be free, called to be free...free to stand firm...to discipline your heart. This is true freedom....
and I want more!ALL FOR YOU