Just wanted to respond to my thoughts from earlier....what does Jesus want? The obvious next question is what do I want? Do I want what Jesus wants?
I know the correct Sunday School answer is Yes, but if we were really honest, we would have to step back and evaluate our hearts to see if that is really true.
Somedays, I want peace and that means compromising what Jesus requires to please people.
Somedays, I don't want to be the source of conflict, which means removing myself from serving so that I am not the target of attack.
Somedays, I want to be liked, which often means backing away from hard truth so that people will like me.
Somedays, I want to be accepted, which means faking what I think and know to be true in order to be pleasing.
Somedays, I want people to think well of me, which means I can't be who I am or do what God has required me to do because I know people won't like, accept or think well of me if I do.
but most days, above all these other things that my flesh wants, I just want what Jesus wants-which often comes in conflict with the other things. And thus my spirit and my flesh wars-tearing me apart from the inside out.
Most days, I want what Jesus wants for me. To proclaim truth without waivering. To love people more than I love relationships so that I don't back away from what is good for them, despite whether they like it or not. To know that I am accepted and obedient and pleasing before God, regardless of what man thinks. To know that trials and conflict will arise for those standing on the frontlines and to be willing to accept them as confirmations from the Lord that you are walking with Him.
But I can't have both....I must choose. To please man or to please God. Somedays, I want to please man-but those days are becoming fewer and fewer as my heart is longing all the more to please the Father. But I can't do both. I must choose.
So, what do I want? For Him to say well done...and that only comes when I want what He wants. So I had better BE SURE that we are synced up...abiding, one flesh, one mind...So regardless of the pressure to conform to what men want, I want what Jesus wants and that is to be fully His....