Sunday, October 29, 2006


Today, the Alley Cats came to TREEHOUSE. It was so cool to see all Noah's baseball buddies worshipping the Lord together. Coach Richard came to talk about how important each member of the team is, how important character is and how they need every player to make the team work. Much like the body of Christ, there are many members, all gifted differently, but all needed within the body. What if we were all an eye or an ear? What if we were all catchers or all pitchers? Each member is a needed part of the body. It was a cool day and I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me to be a part of what He is doing at TREEHOUSE.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I took my girls discipleship group to see One Night with the King and then to have coffee after to discuss the story of Esther. It was a great movie that sparked a lot in each of our hearts. But I was especially moved by the scene where she abandons everything and chooses to enter into the Kings chamber unsolicited. As she enters, everyone is yelling at the King that protocol has been broken. When protocol is broken, severe punishment is given. The King is confused as to why she would have done this and the voices around him calling for her life rage a war within him. Yet, it is evident that her love for the King has caused her to risk it all and that his love for her, moved him to offer grace. He raises his sceptor and stops any harm from coming to her.
That scene has stuck in my memory for the last two weeks, knowing that the heart of my King is love for me-so much love that when protocol was broken by me that He raised His sceptor and interceded on my behalf, offering me grace-undeserved. And I want the world to know that my heart is given to my King, that I would risk it all for Him and for the love that we share. My heart is His. And if I perish, I perish.....


Friday, October 20, 2006

covenant friends

The past few weeks have been kind of crazy-an up and down rollercoaster of emotion. We have gone from thinking we were going to take a job at Precept Ministries to choosing to stay where we are and in the midst of that struggle we have wrestled with many church issues, emotions and relationships. We have rejoiced, cried, paced and poured our hearts.
These days have made me so thankful for precious friends who have committed to us not only their friendship, but that they would be our shield and our sword. That they, like David and Jonathon, have made our heart their heart...pledging to protect, provide and to always seek after our highest good.
There is nothing like a friend that carries your burdens and your joys so close to their heart that it is as if you are one.
In recent days, I too, have carried such a burden and know both the joy and the heartache of another, yet would not exchange it for the world, knowing that God has allowed me the precious privilege of friendship, that most will never know.
As I look back on the past month, I am smitten by the fact that God has allowed me to journey with these and am overtaken by the truth that just as David and Jonathon were Covenant are we.
I hope all of you are so have and to carry the heart of another with you through this life and to be a Covenant Friend.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

time for a change

So the blog looks different! I thought it was time for a change. I am a creature of habit. I believe in discipline and like things to remain constant. I don't like to change my screen saver because I feel guilty over not having everyone's picture on it. I like consistency and constancy. I like everything to be in it's place and for life to be certain and sure.
But that isn't how life is. Change is the very nature of life. And though I would like to say that I am one who embraces changes, I know deep down that there is part of me that would rather have the security of what I know. That reality scares me, because I fear I could miss God for what is comfortable.
And so, despite what I like, I changed my screen saver. I redid my blog. Who knows what could be next. I am just a wild and crazy girl these days!
Jesus never wanted us to stay the same. He wants us to continue to process and change. I can not allow myself the privilege of remaining the same, clinging to what is secure or longing for everything to be secure. The truth is...HE is the only thing that never changes and the only One in whom security is found. To cling to anything else would be idolatry.
It is time to embrace change and worship the ONLY thing that doesn't. Jesus!


Monday, October 16, 2006

What do I want?

Just wanted to respond to my thoughts from earlier....what does Jesus want? The obvious next question is what do I want? Do I want what Jesus wants?
I know the correct Sunday School answer is Yes, but if we were really honest, we would have to step back and evaluate our hearts to see if that is really true.
Somedays, I want peace and that means compromising what Jesus requires to please people.
Somedays, I don't want to be the source of conflict, which means removing myself from serving so that I am not the target of attack.
Somedays, I want to be liked, which often means backing away from hard truth so that people will like me.
Somedays, I want to be accepted, which means faking what I think and know to be true in order to be pleasing.
Somedays, I want people to think well of me, which means I can't be who I am or do what God has required me to do because I know people won't like, accept or think well of me if I do.

but most days, above all these other things that my flesh wants, I just want what Jesus wants-which often comes in conflict with the other things. And thus my spirit and my flesh wars-tearing me apart from the inside out.
Most days, I want what Jesus wants for me. To proclaim truth without waivering. To love people more than I love relationships so that I don't back away from what is good for them, despite whether they like it or not. To know that I am accepted and obedient and pleasing before God, regardless of what man thinks. To know that trials and conflict will arise for those standing on the frontlines and to be willing to accept them as confirmations from the Lord that you are walking with Him.

But I can't have both....I must choose. To please man or to please God. Somedays, I want to please man-but those days are becoming fewer and fewer as my heart is longing all the more to please the Father. But I can't do both. I must choose.

So, what do I want? For Him to say well done...and that only comes when I want what He wants. So I had better BE SURE that we are synced up...abiding, one flesh, one mind...So regardless of the pressure to conform to what men want, I want what Jesus wants and that is to be fully His....


what does Jesus want?

I have been circling this thought for months, trying to discern in all aspects of life what Jesus wants...particularly what He wants from me. I came to the conclusion that He wants a heart that is fully His, sold out and surrendered, passionate and consumed by Him. Sounds simple enough, but that would be too easy.
However, I have chosen to embark on that journey dispite the difficulty. Oddly enough, I continue to bump into conflict because of that. But it isn't with whom you would expect. The world is NOT at all bothered by my journey to be fully HIS. Rather, they expect it. If you are a Christian, it is assumed you are fully His and if you say you are one and aren't fully possessed by Him-you are a hypocrite. Which is why most of the world thinks us to be hypocrites.
Instead, it is the church(not a particular church, but christendom in general) that seems to give us so much criticism-and when I say us, I mean those of us who are striving to be fully His. Most of the criticism comes from those who are within the community of "believers". And most of the criticism has nothing to do with what Jesus wants and everything to do with formulas, programs, personal preference, pleasing people and attitudes.
It is really quite discouraging at times. However, I will not be deterred from my original journey. I want to be fully His.
I have been reading a book called Dear Church. It is a twentysomething's perspective on why so many in their generation are walking away from church-and honestly has to do with this same question. Is anyone really asking "what does Jesus want?". I just wanted to answer her back and say....I am-even when it is hard and many don't like the answer or the fact that you are asking. I want ONLY what He wants and I am asking that question and am determined to walk in that alone. Isn't that what walking with Jesus is all about anyway?


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm on my morning run today, thinking about the correlation between running and breathing. (as I was trying to breathe deep because I felt like I was going to die!) I kept thinking, in through my nose, out through my mouth. Breathe that I can keep on going. And then I began to think that without correct breathing, running would not be possible. My body could endure the pain of pushing through the physical requirements of running, but if my breathing isn't right, it just won't happen. I began to really concentrate on my breathing. It was labored and hard to "think" so much about something that should be so natural. But as I am trying to increase my capacity for running long distance, I must also train my body to be able to breathe for such a run.
Which made me think about my spiritual journey as well. If I am going to run in the path of His commands, buffeting my body to run, press on and endure the race before me, I must also train my body and my mind to breathe correctly so that I can finish. For without breath, there is no finishing.
What does spiritual breathing look like? focussed, deep, steady, trained and disciplined inhale and exhale of the breath of God. He breathes-we inhale and then we exhale what He has breathed into us. We discipline ourselves so that we can do that while we run after Him...
Eventually breathing will become natural, as well as supernatural. However, in the meantime, we must discipline ourselves to learn to that we can run after Him.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

I don't want to work

With four boys in my house, it seems to be a phrase I hear a lot. I am guessing it is the curse of sin. I know that prior to sin, Adam had a job and worked. As a result of sin, work became hard. Therefore, I can't help but think that at that point, man began to hate to work. And yet, it is his curse. Six days he shall labor. However, getting them motivated to live by that-is a whole other story. Most of the time we would much rather sit in front of the computer or the tube. Yet, it is NOT what we were instructed. Man is to work. When man doesn't work, that is when he finds himself getting into trouble.
So although my boys may not like work, they are learning that work is life. And playtime only comes as a result of fulfilling responsibilities...even if we are tired.
There is something fulfilling about knowing that you have finished, accomplished and gotten something down. It is good for your heart, for your soul. God knew this. It is why He made us to work. We may hate it-but that is because of sin. We were created for good works in Christ get off the couch.


Monday, October 02, 2006


There are days when what the Lord has called me to do and be becomes very heavy. Especially, when those times are filled with challenging others-simply because of the natural resistance to change. I have set my heart towards change and I know that the Father has called me to be one who challenges the process, brings friction that results in change for HIS Kingdom. I am all about challenging the status quo and doing all I can to make myself and those around me line up with the Word, God's plan and Christ's heart.
Which means...sometimes I am not liked very much. Not many people like to be challenged. However, it is what God has called me to. This week I especially struggled with that. Needing encouragement from the Father, I went to His Word because the weight of that was causing me to be frustrated with who I am, wishing I could just sit in the pews like everyone else.
But then the Lord met me in Panera. Yes, I said Panera. I was there for a time of study and quiet. I got a glass of tea and took my Bible to a quiet corner where I secluded myself with the Father. And in those precious moments, the Father encouraged and affirmed me, bringing salve to my aching soul. They were words from Jeremiah 1 and will be forever etched on my heart-as they were written to me as well.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart. I have appointed you a prophet. I have put My words in your mouth. I have appointed you to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it. They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you."
God met with me in an unlikely place, with an unlikely message. He encouraged my soul and reminded me that I am His. He set me apart and appointed me to be a messenger of truth-to bring truth that may break down, but will also build and plant. It is HIS Words, not mine and He is watching over them and me.
Thank you Father for ministering to my "feelings". And for reminding me with TRUTH what is real and what is just an emotion that can lead me off track. Thank you for setting me apart and for putting Your Word in me. May I be faithful to what you have given and required.


Sunday, October 01, 2006


FACING THE a new film that opened this weekend. It is a Christian movie and EVERYONE needs to take their family to see this film. The acting is just okay...but the message is one of the best I have ever seen! I will write more on it later, but it will be a shame if you miss this one.