Can you imagine the time and energy it must have taken to place every single egg into place in order to balance and create such a thing? While I am very impressed with what has been accomplished, I must say that my first thought when I saw these pictures was NOT "how cool!"
In fact, it was just the opposite. I could not help but think "what a wasted life." There is just something inside of me that wonders if God is up on His throne in heaven saying, "I sure wish you would spend days, weeks, even months balancing eggs." I just can't conceive that God created anyone for the purpose of egg balanced art. That when He breathed life into man, that His dream for them was to accomplish art from eggs or spend all their days working diligently to create such a thing. I just can't see Jesus cheering him on and saying, "well done! that is why I created you. Keep up the good work." There is NO doubt in my mind that God can use anything to further His Kingdom and advance His fame. There is NO doubt that we can use any talent we have as an opportunity to advance the heart of God-even egg art. But there is just something inside of me that screams....DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE. Spend your days becoming and making disciples of Jesus Christ, investing life and relationship in others for the sake of the Kingdom, living for the name and renown of God, laying down your life for one another. How is it that we have come to a place where we glorify egg art over the greatness of a Holy God? And how is it that we don't believe that this is a wasted life and that living wholeheartedly, surrendered to Jesus is? I don't know....just feeling a little sad today over so many who waste their lives NOT chasing God with all that they are, but instead choose things of this world. I just KNOW that God is not on His throne hoping we will accomplish great egg art, but instead is crying out for us to Go and Make disciples of all nations. Anything less...is a wasted life.
This was just such a picture of that to me.
Christy Upton
The intimacy of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His covenant. Psm 25:14
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