Tuesday, September 08, 2009

well done

My Memama was quite the cook. In fact, we ALL loved going to her house for 2 reasons-which were actually the same. We always knew we would get fed. Not just physically, but spiritually. In fact, my Memama is where I learned to drink coffee and why when I am talking about Jesus, I usually have a cup in my hand. We would all gather around her table and feast on Ham, Roast, Turkey, dressing, squash casserole, green beans, mac and cheese, rice and gravy, deviled eggs, pasta salad and more. You never left her table feeling anything but miserably stuffed. If that weren't enough, there was desert. Memamas famous strawberry cake, just dripping with icing and melt in your mouth delicious. And with that cake, came a cup of coffee. With that cup of coffee came conversation of what Jesus was teaching or what she was studying. She spent hours preparing a meal and spreading a table, just so we could get filled up, but not just on food.

I will never forget visiting at her house about a year before she went to see Jesus. She had her friends for lunch and I dropped in on the tail end of their lunch. Pulling up a stool for me at the table, they were having desert and she began to ask me what Jesus was teaching me. Sitting with 9 women in their 80's, I was blessed to share but also to have coffee and Jesus with them. Memoma was always cooking up something, but not just fill our bellies, but our hearts.

I was visiting with my Mom this past weekend and she was sharing with me about Memamas oven. Apparently it had a thermometer attached to the inside of her oven and you could place it in the middle of your meat. This helped it read whether it was the right temp on inside, not just the outside of the pot, making perfection in her cooking. The last setting that her oven was set on is indicative of her journey, not just her cooking. It read..."well done".

Isn't that our goal? To get to the end of our days and for our life to read well done. Not over done. Some days, I am pretty sure mine might read, burnt, over done, scorched. Still other days, it probably reads raw or rare, undone. Instead the goal is to get to the end and say Well done. This doesn't come by dealing with what is on the outside, but by what is on the inside. God searches and knows our hearts, (Jer 17:10) and is will put us in the oven and bring us to the point of WELL DONE.