Have you ever thought about what it takes to make harmony. It means everything must be in tune in order for the harmony to produce beautiful music. In fact, all it takes is one string, one person, one harmonic to be out of tune to ruin the entire masterpiece that is being played.
Just think if one string on the piano was out of tune. No matter what you played, it would effect the sound. Just think of one string on the guitar being out of tune. No matter how hard you strum, the music will not be beautiful. Just think if one voice sings off key in a choir, the whole sound of the choir is effected to the negative. All it takes is for one instrument in the orchestra to be out of tune for the sound to be off.
It is that way for us in life as well. Whether we want to believe it or not, we all effect one another. We are not islands, that only effect ourselves. What we do, how we live and what we say all effect one another. We are made to be an orchestra, all sounding together to make beautiful music that reflects the glory of God. But when one person is off...it effects all of us.
All it takes is one hypocrite, one person in sin, one bad attitude, one gripe or complain to effect the whole sound that is coming forth.
This is why when God created the body of Christ, He meant for us work together, hold one another accountable, to disciple and mentor one another. We are to help one another stay on course...because all it takes is one Christian walking outside the lines to effect the whole idea of who and what Christians are. The church has abdicated this role, not wanting to help one another, to hold one another accountable, to get our hands dirty...and thus the whole has been effected by the ones that are out of tune.
But the beauty of it is...that when we tune up...we get involved, help people and hold each other accountable, we tune up and harmony becomes beautiful...that is if we are tunable.
Don't fight the fine tuning...it is what makes life worth living. ALL FOR YOU
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