Do you remember having Passion? Not just physical passion for someone of the opposite sex or passion for a career/job. Do you remember when you were passionate about something? For some of us it was the car we drove, a motorcycle, a sport, a musical instrument, learning or even a skill. For others of us, we were passionate about tv, video games, friends, socializing or even church.
Do you remember when you first came to Christ and there was the Passion for Him and a Passion to share Him with all you came in contact with. I can remember being in Frist Grade and Jesus entering my life. I couldn't wait to get to school and tell my teacher about Jesus in Me.
I have been pondering passion a lot lately....where has it all gone?
Somewhere we exchanged passion for duty. We stopped living and began existing. We stopped breathing and simply began to try to survive-by gasping for breath-when we could get one. We abdicated our passions for duty. And in that exchange-we lost what drives us to live. Passion.
I don't want to just survive this life. I want to truly live. I don't want to merely exist. I want to Breathe deep, feel the wind on my face and run head long down the beach towards the Father....who is longing for me to chase Him so that He can set my heart free. I don't want to exchange my passion for obligations. I want to Live out of my passions.
It is then...that the world might see something worth following....a passion not of this world, not fulfilled in earthly pleasures. A passion that doesn't feel like duty or obligation or religion. But a passion that looks like Jesus is worth truly LIVING and DYING FOR...not merely existing for.
1 comment:
boy,reading passion or duty,really got to me.I do remember having so much passion.why does it all go away?and where does it go??i am a christain and love god w\ all my heart,although sometimes life it self just drags me so far down.I watch today the love of god through a mother who just lost her son.during her broken heart of going through her sons funeral,I saw a women making sure everyone new the same thing she did,he was gone to heaven to meet his father,although she did cry,Isaw the spirit of god through her.she held her hands high thanking god today,and while she had her hands in the air,I looked at my own and saw that I had raised mine too,praise god!!!!!!!!never had I seen so much passion in ones face or heart after losing someone so dear.I thank god for everything.and I thank him for telling me something today.I came to realize today,taht god loves me like I love my children,although they do wrong at times,Iwant to protect them in every way I can,thats how he feels too,and like my kids I refuse him like they do me..I want to stop refusing and take what he gives me through his love..when I first became a new christain I was on fire..I want to feel that burnig inside again.I want to please my father in heaven,and I want to be like the mother I saw today..cj this is cb from church
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