I have been a Christian for almost 30 years. And I am not much older than that. I have been a preachers kid, a preachers wife, a worship leader, a teacher, a Bible study leader, a precept leader and vbs director, and blah, blah, blah. I have loved God with All that I am, served Him with every fiber in my being and have worshipped Him with every ounce of my soul. But this isn't really about what I AM....it is really about what I am not...or maybe have not been.
I have only in recent months realized that somewhere in the midst of all this "stuff" that my heart was not IN LOVE with Jesus and that I had missed Him in a religion that bears His name. He had been lost in the shuffle. Sure I loved Him, I worshipped Him. I was grateful to Him. I was forever in His debt. I would serve Him. But I have realized that I was not IN LOVE with HIM, consumed by Him, overcome by Him, made one with Him. My life was not wrapped around Him.
My every waking thought was not what does He want. My every movement did not revolve around His desires. My heart was not fully given to Him.
But that is changing. I must confess....I am IN LOVE with this man-Jesus. I am overwhelmed with HIS passion. His offenses are becoming mine. His loves are changing me. His agenda is what I desire.
I miss HIM when we are not in sync. I long for more time with HIM. I want to talk about Him, talk to Him, walk with Him, live for HIM.
I am coming to think that many of us have missed Jesus...that maybe I am not the only one. I thought for 30 years that I had the Jesus thing down...but am realizing I was completely wrong as I see that He is in all, for all, above all. That all things are summed up in Him and that He is and I am not. I am consumed with that idea and don't want it to change or go away.
And so...I don't want to miss Jesus any longer. I want to chase Him, Sprint towards Him and never slow down. I just don't want to miss Jesus in a sea of religion.
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