Don't miss what God is doing in you, because you are looking for God to do something around you.
Isn't that a crazy thought? That we are so busy looking for God to do something around us that we miss what God is doing in us. We are continually praying for God to heal, provide, show, guide, direct, answer, give, change or reveal. While God is certainly a God of all these things, He is more interested in doing something IN us than just doing something around us. But those are things that we rarely focus on. Why? because it is easier to ask God and focus upon what God is doing around us, than to be consumed by what God is doing IN us.
Isn't it time that we become a people that are obsessed by what God is doing IN us and to stop focussing on what God is doing around us? I want to stop looking for His hand at work around me all the time and begin to focus on His heart at work inside of me. I want to be overwhelmed by what He is doing in me, how He is changing me, conforming me. I love to see Him work around me, but what is going to forever transform me is what He is doing IN me, not just what He does around me.
So the question of the day: What is God doing IN you today?
Not how have you seen Him working around you....but what is God doing IN you? How is He transforming you? That is the work that He is longing to do. And if we can't answer that and say what God is changing, moving, doing inside of us....then we are not walking with Him as we think that we are. We are fooling ourselves. Don't be fooled....God wants IN you...not around you.ALL FOR YOU