Have you ever stopped and just thought about what pleases the Father? We spend a lot of time talking about and focussing on what pleases us, but the ultimate question...the question of LIFE...is what pleases Him?
There are a list of Scriptures that could define what that looks like. But tonight, there is one that has topped the charts for me. Jeremiah 9:23-24 says let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth; for I delight in these things.
The Father delights, takes pleasure in the man who glories in, boasts of KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING Him. That He is a God of Covenant mercy, judgement and rightness. God delights when we YADA Him, KNOW Him, Experience Him....this is a word that denotes intimacy. Not just understands, but has KNOWN and still KNOWS and loves.
We can be delighted...when He is delighted, for our delight should be in HIM and HIM alone. I crave time with Him. I long for time to talk about Him. I so want to share Him with others. It is why I live and breathe. Everything else is small in light of the joy of breathing Jesus. He is the air I breathe. I can boast in these things, for that is what delights Him. He is honored and thrilled when we sit with our friends and talk of Him, to Him, for Him, about Him. He smiles with delight when we surround ourselves with His presence and bring others into it. He is LONGING for us to GLORY in HIM.
So how could we choose to live any other way...than for His name and His renown. That is what the word to glory means...to live for His renown. To hold it as the highest worth. To make shine. But it also means to act like a madman, to act clamourishly foolish, to be given in marriage. Pretty cool...that to glory in means to enter into Covenant and to act in such away that you are considered a madman because you so shine the light and renown on the Father.
Makes me want to GLORY!
There are a list of Scriptures that could define what that looks like. But tonight, there is one that has topped the charts for me. Jeremiah 9:23-24 says let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth; for I delight in these things.
The Father delights, takes pleasure in the man who glories in, boasts of KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING Him. That He is a God of Covenant mercy, judgement and rightness. God delights when we YADA Him, KNOW Him, Experience Him....this is a word that denotes intimacy. Not just understands, but has KNOWN and still KNOWS and loves.
We can be delighted...when He is delighted, for our delight should be in HIM and HIM alone. I crave time with Him. I long for time to talk about Him. I so want to share Him with others. It is why I live and breathe. Everything else is small in light of the joy of breathing Jesus. He is the air I breathe. I can boast in these things, for that is what delights Him. He is honored and thrilled when we sit with our friends and talk of Him, to Him, for Him, about Him. He smiles with delight when we surround ourselves with His presence and bring others into it. He is LONGING for us to GLORY in HIM.
So how could we choose to live any other way...than for His name and His renown. That is what the word to glory means...to live for His renown. To hold it as the highest worth. To make shine. But it also means to act like a madman, to act clamourishly foolish, to be given in marriage. Pretty cool...that to glory in means to enter into Covenant and to act in such away that you are considered a madman because you so shine the light and renown on the Father.
Makes me want to GLORY!
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