So many struggle with wanting to hear God speak. Many wonder why He seems to be so silent. And yet, the truth is He has spoken and is speaking. The problem lies not with God, but with us. And the problem isn’t with our eyes or ears; it’s with our souls. We need to learn how to see and hear God in our everyday lives. God is not silent; we just have to learn how to listen. He is not absent; we just have to know where to look.
He is constantly speaking. God is present and revealing himself powerfully through his holy Word. We must come to a place where we’re feeding our hunger to know God with the meat of the Word and stop continuously stuffing our spiritual bellies full of events and emotional encounters. We often become overwhelmed with so many options to help us study the Word of God that we end up nibbling here and there, never really digging in for a full meal. It’s like an all you can eat buffet-so many choices you become too full to really savor the truth. We must learn how to listen and then savor what He is speaking to us about. We must linger in those truths and enjoy the hearing and then quickly obey. We must not just microwave the Word…it needs to slow cook and simmer in your spirit. Which means we can't rush...we must develop a habit of pushing back and lingering, letting it seep into all of us, nourishing us and giving us what we need to be able to make it through the day.
He wants us smitten, flat out taken with Him. And longing to hear Him. He wants us to long for the sound of His voice and to lean in to hear. But when He speaks, His voice is unmistakable...God wants to speak to us. He is not trying to make us guess as to whether or not it is Him. His sheep hear His voice and know it.
Life is about relationship, about conversation. God desires conversation with us. It is an intimate conversation that makes any relationship worthwhile. Who wants to just have small talk for the rest of our lives? It’s a symphony of hearing and being heard in return, of loving and being loved. We learn and grow from each other. We support and serve each other. And if we model our relationships after God’s, we find so much joy in each other that we rejoice and sing. I want a symphony of hearing and to savor the conversations of life. I want worthwhile, intimate conversation that knits and weaves life together.
We need to stop and listen to God’s part of the conversation. We’ve got to stop being so loud and just listen to our Father. We need to stop and take time to let Him dwell in our midst. Even in our conversations with others, pause and listen for His voice. He is speaking. And then speak what He says. It will change the conversation and He will join it. Don't be in a hurry to move on...chit chat...but instead to relish in the conversation of life...Jesus.
Many of us do before we hear. Others hear and then don't do. What if we stopped and only did what we heard the Father say? What if it really were that easy? And instead of rushing ahead or guessing at what He wants...we just chose to linger in His presence until we hear Him speak...then we quickly obey.
When this happen there will be a Serenade of affection, for the Father and for those who join the conversation. His voice is unmistakeable....do you hear it?