I LOVE COFFEE. Most people know that about me. I LOVE how it makes me feel. I LOVE what it makes me think about it. The smell of it makes me just breathe better. I walk into Starbucks and think...heaven has to have one of these. I just LOVE COFFEE. I love the sound of the coffee pot perking, the feel of a warm cup in my hands, and what happens when I drink it.
And while all these reasons are great. They are not the REAL reason I LOVE COFFEE. I am sure the caffeine headache I would have if I didn't drink it would be a problem. And I know that my body just craves it. But the real reason I love COFFEE has little to do with the drink and more to do with what it makes me think about and feel. I love Coffee because for me it is a word picture of life. It doesn't just represent a drink or something I enjoy. Instead, it represents what I do while I drink it. It makes me think of sitting around a table with friends and relishing conversation about the Lord. It reminds me of the countless hours I have spent pouring over the Word with a cup in my hand and the Father meeting with me there. It makes me think of....intimacy. It represents relationships and what happens when we get together, meet together and just spend time together. There is something about sharing a good cup of coffee that makes you just want to pour out your soul and enjoy the fellowship of Jesus-at least for me.
We live in a society where things are so fast paced and rushed. We never have time to just sit and chat. We never take the time to just linger of a cup of coffee and not rush the moment. And consequently, we miss the moments...where God is speaking. This month at Wow...we will take a fresh look at the art of lingering with Him. So come have a good cup of coffee and let's linger a few and see what happens when we take time and space to just enjoy Jesus and those that are with us in the room. Because as much as I LOVE COFFEE. I LOVE JESUS more. When was the last time you just lingered in His presence and enjoyed Him like you do a good cup of coffee?ALL FOR YOU
1 comment:
hello , i have used your one line from your blog in some coffee contest . i hope i would win .. please wish good luck to me .. and your words are very good abour coffee .. thank you and plz allow me to use your words for this contest
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