When I was in school...I was in the Marching Band. It was a really BIG deal...We were really good and it was a privilege to be a part of it. Literally...the football team played so the band could march every week. It was that big a deal.
But when I started in the band...there were a few rules laid down...one of which was-you do what the director says, when he says it and you don't question it. Our band director owned us...and not just on the field. We knew that we REPRESENTED wherever we were. Once we put on the uniform, we were to remain in full uniform. There was no option to only partially represent. Even if it was blazing hot...we looked the part...all the time. Our actions off the field, dictated our participation on the field. If we did not maintain grades, exceptional behavior on and off the field...we were no longer welcome to represent. When he spoke, we listened. And if we chose not to listen, there were swift consquences...for EVERYONE, not just ourselves. He owned our time. We rehearsed 5 days a week for a less than five minute performance once a week. We spent hours in rehearsals....approximately 15 hours a week...after school, in addition to performances. And you didn't opt out for something better.
But I think the thing I remember the most...is He never demanded any of these things. We knew the rules. We knew the consequences. He never raised his voice or demanded that we listen. If we chose not too...he would stand quietly and say....I have all day...when you are ready...we will proceed. Immediately, we would realize that we would be here all night if we didn't link up and pay attention. But he never had to demand, he only required. And if the requirements were not met...you were not a part. It was that simple.
You either represented fully or not at all.
I was thinking about all this in relationship to our walks with Christ. Why is it we think we can represent Him...be a Christian (which means a little Christ...or Christ's representative) and not fully represent. Why is it we don't realize that He OWNS US and our time-on and off the field. Why is it that we don't understand that there are certain requirements that must be met to be a part of His "band"...He will not raise His voice and demand, but He does require...and if we choose to not live up to the requirements....then we will not be a part.
We would not have been a very good band if our director had settled for half hearted and only a little devoted followers. He required the best. And he got it. And those who chose to settle...and not live the life of standard...were not a part-and they missed out on being the best.
Likewise, God will not settle for half hearted, half devoted followers. He requires...not demands...the best. And he will get it...and those who do not...will not be a part.
Chan says it like this...Jesus didn't say that if you want to be a follower you COULD do it in a lukewarm manner. He said...Take up your cross and carry it.
Jesus requires....that followers NOT BE LUKEWARM...there is not an in between option for the less devoted. You are either a fully devoted follower of Christ or not a follower at all. ALL FOR YOU