Recently, the church offices-or what was the church parsonage-was moved. Because of the new Children's Theater, we need to move the house. A moving company came in and began to prepare for the move. I was amazed at the ordeal it was. They first removed all the brick, penned it up from underneathe so they could place the big steal bars underneathe for travel. They detached the house from the foundation and spent days totally undoing it, so they could move it. I kept thinking...why? What a pain? All this undoing just so it can move.
And then it struck me. It is a word picture for life. A house undone can move. A house that is all put together, is stationary.
Isn't it funny how we long to be all put together and have everything totally "done" in our lives? Isn't it odd that we spend our days making sure our life is not out of control or undone, and hiding what might be the fraying of any edges where that might happen. And in so doing, we are doing nothing more than making totally sure that we don't MOVE at all.
God has called us to be a people on the move. We are not to be sitting still, but to instead be walking forward with Him. And yet, instead of realizing that prepartion for that moves, means an undoing so that we are not attached to the location we are in, we choose to fight that movement everystep of the way by refusing to be undone. And in so doing...we miss Jesus...and all He has for us. For our undoing, means we are able to move. It means we have no other foundation than that which is moving us...the King of Kings.
I watched as they put that house up on wheels and rolled it down to it's new location. I thought....hmmm...a house undone, on the move, not clinging to past, but headed for something new. Perhaps, that is what God has for us, if we would simply embrace a little undoing....
to that I say....Let's Roll...put me on wheels and MOVE ME.
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