Have you ever known the right thing to do, but just chose NOT to do it? Wow, does that ever end badly! Why? Because for believers, the Word says that to know what is right to do and NOT do is sin. (James 4:17) So, by just knowing the right thing, if you choose not to do it, you separate yourself from God, His Presence and Power, His blessing, by simply not doing what you know you should. That would include a lot of laziness, complacency and an unwillingness to let go of what you know you should.
I have been sitting in a verse of Scripture today that is haunting my soul. It is in 1 Kings 18:21. It says “And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long {will} you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people did not answer him a word.” I love the amplified version of this verse. It says, “How long will you halt and limp”. The people were confronted with a choice. And they did not answer a word. They would not choose. But in NOT choosing, they chose-to sin. They were lame followers.
For many of us, the Lord is asking the same question. You KNOW what is right to do. And to NOT do it is sin. So why do you hesitate? You will suffer the consequences of separation, discipline, a lack of blessing and Presence. Because you hesitate, you halt/stop, you limp around, instead of choosing to follow after me, it will end badly for you. You can’t possibly believe God is going to tolerate that. Furthermore, we think by NOT choosing that we can prolong our enjoyment where we are, what we are doing. Or perhaps avoid conflict, friction or persecution. However, the Word is clear. Hesitation is sin. Knowing what you are to do and not doing it is sin. Choosing to do nothing is sin.
So, why do we hesitate? Perhaps, we are asking God to DO it for us. But God will not do for us what He has commanded us to do. He will work, but He will not make the stand for us. He will convict, but He will not choose for you to determine in your heart to move forward no matter what. He will change hearts, but He will not move mountains that He has commanded you to climb. He will answer prayers, but He will not allow you to compromise by saying you are waiting on Him when you won’t make a stand for fear of the response of others.
We hesitate because we don’t want the friction in our world. We hesitate because we are not willing to stand for what we know to be of the Lord. We hesitate because we want Him to do it instead of us having to. We hesitate because it might cost us. We choose to sin…in our hesitation because we are afraid to choose, but in not choosing we sin.
So, what is HE saying? You know what is right….now do it. For anything else, just separates you from God. Don’t miss Him simply because you stood there. It won’t end well.
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