Got up this morning and decided it was time for a change. So I drove to the hair place, had all my hair cut off. 8 inches before we were done. I think I like it. It is definately different. But different isn't bad, it's just different.
I think sometimes people think different is bad. Perhaps that is part of the problem with people learning to think like Christ. His thinking is Different. When He said to hate your family in order to follow Him, we think that is bad. But perhaps it is just different. When He says to love your neighbor as yourself. We think that is crazy. When He says, he who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdome...we think that sounds bad, but perhaps it is just different. It is a different way of thinking and different isn't bad, it's just different.
So...I decided today that different isn't bad. I want embrace thinking different. To not be conformed to what everyone thinks I should do or be and be only what Christ wants. I have a NEW look today...and yes, it is on the outside, but it is the manifestation of what God is doing on the inside. Different isn't bad....different is the way Jesus thinks.
Pic posted...is the before....Last look at the old....
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