The simplicity of a child’s thinking always leads the way. I think our kids “get it”…the together that is. We were driving home and we pulled in the drive way and Nellie said…We’re home. The next few minutes the kids in my car had a discussion about whose HOME it is. That it is God’s house and that everyone is welcome at anytime. Cece says…this is our house, just like our house is your house. We are family.
I think this is a great example of childlike faith and belief…..it is only as we get older that this gets messed up. Kids don’t own stuff, they possess stuff. It is only when we get older that our possessions begin to own us. Kids understand that we are all in this together. That life apart is less and life together is better. They are always looking for reasons to be together. Why is it we grow out of this?
I hope our kids keep the same thoughts…we are family…what is mine is yours…it feels like home not because of an address but because of together. I love kids….
Doxa- I have a question. Could I ask you something?
sure....go for it...email me if you prefer...cjupton@juno.com
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