Intimacy with God
Bill Bright Remembrance
God calls His people to cling to their history and draw strength from it. Remembrance is the work of the mind. If you heart has grown cold, you must rely upon your mind. You may stop feeling, but never stop thinking. Remembering shocks you into realization; things have changed. IN remembering, you feel deep remorse that you have deliberately left home, your first love. The reflection of the mind will lead to the sorrow of heart. In the worst of times, when you cannot seem to hear His voice or feel His touch, you still have an amazing resource. You can consult those incredible filing cabinets in the human mind- your memories.
In talking of his wife….Together we committed ourselves to Christ and to our relationship, and we’ve never left that love for God or for each other. I can remember eagerly anticipating the time when we could actually be united in marriage, never to be separated. I was experiencing these same feelings toward God. I wanted Him to be with me for the rest of my life, too. I did everything I could to please Him and devoted much time to prayer and study of His Word.
IN His Word, Jesus frequently calls the Church, you and me, His bride. The joy of a perfect marriage, great as it may be, is only a dim reflection of the deepest and most intense pleasure of all; knowing God in an intimate, loving, personal way.
Begin by taking the time to reflect. When you do this, you may see evidence of slow EROSION-wearing down-small, seemingly insignificant compromises in your original commitment to God. These may not be obvious, consequential matters. Certainly you may still be serving God faithfully, just as those in Ephesus did. You may have excellent church attendance. You may be reading your Bible daily. But do no be surprised if you find that the marks of your early passion have slowly faded and disappeared, often without your noticing.
After you reflect, I invited you to talk to God about your observations.
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