While at the beach, the tide went out and it became evident to me that if I was careful, I could swim out to the second sand bar. As a kid, living in Florida, that was a great place to find sand dollars and to float in peace to the rhythm of the sea. So a friend and I (never do this alone), dove in and began to swim through the surf out to the second sand bar. The water was beautiful and the waves were perfect. It was shallow for a really long way and it was cool to be able to look back from the depths to the shore and see life from a different perspective.
But it only took a few minutes for some others to discover what we were doing and follow behind. Realizing we had company, we decided to start swimming back towards the shore because we didn’t want anyone to be unsafe. I could touch bottom, but knew the tide would shift and the current would be an issue for those who were not familiar with that kind of water. As the tide was changing and we were swimming in, it often felt like we were swimming, but going no where because of the current. It was not a riptide, just the tide going out, but it meant we were going to have put our heads down and swim in, instead of just the casual swimming that most of us do. So, I put my head down and started to shore, only to look back and realize that was not the case for those behind me. I swam back out and instructed them to just put their feet down, to touch bottom. Not being as tall as I was, it was over their head. So, I reached out my arm and said, “come on, we’ll do it together.” Easy enough, we swam together towards shore, a ride on my back til they could touch and then instruction to put head down and swim.
We were out over our heads, in the deep. The perspective was awesome… It is always good to realize that being over your head is not a bad place to be, as long as there is another to help you along.
Sometimes, I think we are afraid to dive into the deep in with God because we are afraid we will bite off more than we can chew or find ourselves over our heads, unable to touch. But not touching isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it is in those moments that you have to reach out, lean in and rely on another-not just be independent and rely on your own strength or ability.
Brian Littrell has a song called “Over My Head”. The lyrics say that being over my head is where I want to be so that I am lost within His love, a love that covers and is strong and cleansing like the tide. That in the place where I am over my head, I can find a place to rest. And to let the current pull you deeper into Him. That Jesus was the hand that reached out to us, when we were over our heads. The words are nothing more than my experience in the surf.
So dive in deep with Him and find yourself over you head, go with another-never alone, but know that His current will pull you deeper into Him and you fill find rest in being over your head.
Ps 42:7-8 Deep calls to deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls; all Thy breakers and Thy waves have rolled over me.The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; and His song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life.