On a recent trip to Atlanta, we encountered a little excitement. We were moving swiftly down Interstate 85 when the white Denali, 2 cars in front of us began to slow down drastically. The van in front of us swerved off into the median and all the traffic behind us began to slam on brakes, including the tractor trailer truck on our right. The Denali slowed to almost 10 miles an hour and was swerving from lane to lane, blocking both lanes of traffic. It crossed to one side and then the other and then back. We finally got to a place where we could pull up beside it and discovered the man traveling alone in his car was having a seizure and was not conscious. His vehicle was basically unmanned and wrecking havoc on I-85. It finally swerved across all lanes of traffic and climbed up an embankment and stopped. The car was still running and the man was still seizing when my husband and I parked the car and jumped out and ran to help him. The car was locked and there was no way in. I called 911 and asked for help. The operator immediately asked me where we were. To which, I had no answer. We had not been paying attention. We were driving and talking and all I knew was we were someplace on I-85 passed the wine place and before we entered Atlanta. The woman asked me what the mile marker was on the road. I couldn’t see it. It was too far away. So she asked me to run towards it and to tell her. So, I started to run down the interstate with my phone to my ear, while my husband tried to get the man to wake up and unlock the door. Meanwhile, he looked up and saw me running down the interstate and thought I had lost my mind. He didn’t much like the idea of his wife running in flip flops down the interstate. When I got within eye shot of the mile marker, I told the woman and she dispatched help. A few minutes later the fire truck arrived and help came to rescue the man, who was very lucky not to have killed himself or anyone else.
However, the whole chasing after the mile marker episode got me to thinking. Markers are very important. If it had not been for the marker, no one would have known where to come for help. It gave direction and marked the road so that rescue could happen. It also helped us to see where we were when we didn’t know where we were.
Markers are important on the roads we travel, on the journey of life. They mark the way and show us where we are, how far we have come and help us to know where we are going. This is not a new thing. God instructed His people wherever they were to leave markers, altars, memorials or signs to mark the way, so that those who came behind would remember the way and walk in it.
Markers have become a VERY important part of my life. I was glad that there were markers on the road to help rescue that man, but I am all the more thankful for markers, memorials and altars that have marked my road, my journey and keep me on track, show me the way and help me to remember where I have been and where I am going.
What kind of markers do you have in your life? Perhaps you need to begin to lay some mile markers so that you can find your way. I can look back at my markers and say….wow, look how far we have come…or remember when. And know that the Lord has been with us every step of the way.
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