I spent Christmas at my Mom and Dad’s. They live in North Georgia, where it snowed almost 10 inches over Christmas. We woke about 7:30am Christmas morning to dry ground. But by 8:30 there was an inch on the ground and it just got deeper and deeper. I was able to play in the snow with my boys, build a snow man and just enjoy the beauty of the pure white blanket that God had sent to cover the earth.
However, after an hour, I was done. It was time to go in. But my precious 8 year old, just couldn’t get enough. He spent hours playing in it, rolling in it, wallering in it. He jumped and rolled in it like it was the delight of his soul. When it was time to go home, I had to literally pull the snow balls out of his pants.
My mom shared later that as she looked at the pristine, pure blanket of snow, that she almost didn’t want anyone to wreck it by trampling through it. It is just such a word picture of what we do to God’s perfection. Our steps can wreck it with our trampling of His courts.
While that thought is true…I had a totally opposite one. I couldn’t get past my son playing in it non stop. So many of us are like me, we get a taste and enjoy it for a few, but then retreat to the safe, risk free environment that we are comfortable in. But he…no, he didn’t just taste it…it was ALL OVER HIM. It was stuffed up his pants, in his shoes, down his shirt, in his ears. He wallered in it. Few of us are like my son. Few of us will choose to enjoy Jesus like he did the snow. We will enjoy for an hour or two, but then we want to retreat to what is comfortable. However, we need to be like my Micah. We need to have a WANT to-to just waller in and get Jesus all over us. Not just for a few minutes. To let the white, pristine, purity of God stick to us because we have just jumped, rolled and lingered in it.
I want to be 8 again…not an 8 year old, but to never lose that childlike faith and wonder to wallering in Jesus and finding a few minutes is just not enough. I want Him to be all over me, in my ears, my mouth, stuck to me. Don’t you?