So what is wrong with this picture? I was sitting in my car this week and saw this and couldn’t believe what I saw. Do you see it?
Yep, it’s true. They even advertise it this way. You can get mouth cancer for $1.59. What a bargain.
Isn’t that crazy? And yet, even with the advertising, people will purchase the product. Now, please don’t misunderstand, I am not for or against this product. I am actually just amazed that we are a people who will knowingly pay $1.59 for something that says right on the package that it can cause mouth cancer. Why am I intrigued by this? Because it is indicative of who we are as a people.
God Himself tells us in His Word what will bring long life and blessings from Him and yet we choose to disobey. God tells us what will bring cursing and destruction to our lives and yet we choose our own way. We are a people who will knowingly walk into destruction for a cheap price and cheap thrill.
As crazy as it seems to pay $1.59 for mouth cancer is the fact that we knowingly disobey a God who gives us just as clear a warning about what we should or shouldn’t do in order to avoid destruction and discipline in our own lives-and yet we walk our own way.
Perhaps, we ought to choose differently.
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