My niece, Gabby, is five years old. She a bright, intelligent little girl that probably communicates better than any five year old I have ever met. Gabby asked Jesus to come into her heart several weeks ago. She was at school and asked her teacher if she could ask Jesus to come in and the teacher encouraged her to wait and talk with her parents at home. At pick up, the teacher informed my sister that Gabby had asked about asking Jesus into her heart. With tears in her eyes, my sister drove home, called her husband and they decided for my sister to go ahead and talk with her (before he got home from work). My sister got her Bible and they laid down on the bed, looked at some Scripture and talked about what asking Jesus to come in meant. Gabby fully understood and quickly asked Jesus to come into her heart. PTL!!!
However, there was a whole other issue to this Jesus thing-being baptized. After asking Jesus to come into her heart, Gabby knew that baptism was the next step. It meant going underwater in a baptistry and this was going to be a problem. But Gabby, had thought this through! She is a smart kid and she had figured out an answer to her dilemna. She explained to her Mom that she was a little afraid of the whole baptism thing, but that she would do it (because Jesus said to) if she could wear her goggles while being baptized! What a hoot! My sister told her that she didn't think Jesus would have a problem with her wearing her goggles.
When my sister told me the story, I cracked up laughing, but saw a cool corelation spiritually. Gabby has just asked Jesus into her heart and is a little afraid of the next step. So she wants to wear her goggles. She wants to be able to see and not have water in her eyes. What a beautiful picture. The Lord has just opened the eyes of her heart to see Him and he desire is to continue to see through the next step of baptism. How cool is it that a 5 year old understands what so many of us don't. I am sure Gabby's reasons for wearing goggles is not spiritual-but what a cool visual for us...a young girl, in the waters of the baptistry...simply wanting to see and breathe.
So Gabby was baptized yesterday....and SHE WORE HER GOGGLES....isn't that AWESOME!
Her daddy had the opportunity to baptize her. A Father, helping his daughter to see, breathe and come into the family of God. What a picture that is!!!!
And so God opens the eyes of her heart....breathes life into her flesh-that she might live forever!