Every branch that bears fruit, HE PRUNES it so that it may bear MORE fruit. What a thought for those of us who long to be fruit bearers. The reality is that if we are being productive for the Kingdom, working hard for the Lord and accomplishing much for His glory that the Father is going to prune us. We understand why. Because without pruning, we will not continue to be productive. However, when the pruning comes, we often see it as discipline or hardship. When in reality, it is the Father pruning us so that we can bear MORE fruit. For the Father is glorified when you bear MORE fruit, proving that you are a disciple and not a hypocrite. Pruning means More fruit...are you up for that?
but I guess the crazy thought of all this is that Jesus says the things so that we will have joy in Him and that our joy will be made full or complete. It is in the pruning, which allows us to bear more fruit, which gives God glory that we will find true Joy-Joy in Him. He is our Joy. So get out the shears and clip away...for more fruit, for more glory, and FOR MY JOY!
God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him! ALL FOR YOU
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