It is amazing to me that we will offer more to the pleasures of this world than we do in worship to our Father. We will pay more, love more, rejoice more and serve more. I know...we say that is not true, but if we were really honest, few of us abandon ourselves in worship like we do at a football game. And the last time we gave as much to God as we did M/C-well, we can't remember when. And who can remember the last time we spent more hours serving the Father at church or somewhere else than we did at PTA, Little League, Boy Scouts, Dance or whatever. And even more astonishing is the thought that when given the chance to stand in line for a movie or for a worship service-the movie always wins.
But I believe that the Lord is awakening a few, stirring the hearts of a remnant, captivating the souls of a group of people who will abandon the norm of Christianity for a barbaric faith that looks more like Jesus than any before now. As a result, I believe church will look radically different. This group of people is called Revolutionaries-a people who live in concert with the Bible, but have no patience for irrelevant traditions and customs, who won't go with the flow, but seek a spark and are willing to pay the price to see the fire of heaven fall. They make people uncomfortable and are not very popular. But they are a people who are passionate about following after Jesus-not as the church has defined, but as God has outlined. They are a people who want to start a REVOLUTION, leading to Change...
I want to be a Revolutionary!
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