Over the weekend, my computer caught a virus. At first, we thought we had stopped it by simply removing the program. But over the next couple of days, we realized it was slowly eating through my hard drive. It was nasty and a huge problem. The frustration came because I got it from someone else-who sent it to me. So for the past couple of days, I have thought a lot about what it means to be infected with a virus that is passed on from someone else and the idea of how that affected me.
Infected....we all are infected. Maybe not with a computer virus, but most definately with sin. we are born with it. Just like the computer virus, the sin of one affects us all. And when you are infected, it stops you dead in tracks until you deal.
Miriam understood that. For it was her sin and her leprosy that stopped the forward progression of God's people. Her sin/infection kept everyone from moving forward-until she dealt with it. It is the same for us today-sin in the camp stops the forward progression of God's people. If one of us is infected and we do not deal-it will affect all of us. Just like a computer virus....it may not be my sin-but we all crash and burn if it isn't dealt with.
So I want to be sure my sin is dealt with...but I also want to be sure that those who affect me are dealing as well-so that the forward progession of God's people is not stopped and we don't all crash and burn. ALL FOR YOU
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