I have been watching the Olympics. It has been incredible to watch the competition between countries and competitors and to see the spirit in which the competition is played. It has been both inspiring and motivating to watch atheletes compete for the gold with their whole heart. In the midst of it all, no matter what venue you are watching, there is a sign that is the theme of the Torino Olympics. It reads PASSION LIVES HERE. I love that sign, but I love the message even more. And it is true. It is evident that those who are there indeed have passion within them for what they do. No one has called into question their passion or their quest for gold.
I wonder if the same could be said for us as believers and church members. PASSION LIVES HERE? might be a better way of reading the sign for us. We might declare that as a fact, but people watching would question that truth in many of us. Why? because there is no PASSION for what we are doing seen in how we live. We do not compete as if we were striving for gold, motivated to win with a passion for glory (God's) so great that it pushes us beyond the natural boundaries of human frailities, fears and acceptance. We say there is passion, but we are not inspiring and motivating to others-in hopes of drawing them into the competition. We do not strive for excellence. We are comfortable and lazy. And we will never be an Olympian-in this world or for the Kingdom.
This is not a competition you say? I beg to differ with you. We are in a battle for the souls of men. And if our enemy/our competitor can convince us not to compete or to have a lack of passion, motivation and inspiration-he wins.
I want the sign at my house, my church, for my family to read....PASSION LIVES HERE!!!!! OH YEAH!!! I don't want there to be any doubt as to whether I am passionate about what I do for the glory of the Lord. I don't want there to be any doubt that I AM a COMPETITOR. I don't want there to be any doubt about the passion that lives within me and I want to inspire, motivate and challenge others-so that the world look at our sign not with a question mark, but with an exclamation mark. I am on a quest for gold. I will not sit on the couch, be comfortable or lazy. I will press on towards the call of Christ Jesus. I will buffet my body and run in such a way that the prize is won. I will....because PASSION LIVES HERE. ALL FOR YOU
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