the past few days have been tough ones. Not because anything necessarily difficult has happened. It just seems that the weight of ministry, the burden of life, coupled with the fact that I have not "felt" good (been sick) have made living and moving tiresome. Whether just walking to the kitchen (which causes me to HURT all over), Counseling those in need, teaching or just dealing with life, I have struggled to put one foot in front of the other.
I am not whining or complaining, just being honest about where I am today. The strain of ministry is heavy and the burdens that we bear often weight us down. I feel DEAD tired.
Funny, as I thought about those words....the Father reminded me that Dead people don't get tired. For they are dead. It is those who are "doing the deal"/working at it in life that get tired. How is it that I forget the basic lessons of my faith and retain the tidbits of tiny details that don't really apply to life? Today, I felt like a dead man walking....and the Father....simply states that I am! I am called to die to self, to crucify flesh, to be dead-so that Christ in me can breathe life. Somewhere in the last few days, I forgot to breathe...to inhale Him. Not because I wasn't in the Word or praying....Not because I wasn't seeking. But somewhere in the journey my flesh arose and I began walking in my own "trying" ways. Trying to do everything, to be everything, to carry everything. Instead of dying to self and allow Christ in me to be, carry and do all things.
Tonight, I am dead tired....tomorrow....I will just be dead...for I WILL die to self and my trying....Good night self...Hello, dead man walking....IN YOU!
For in HIM, I live and move and have my being....may I die that you may LIVE....
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