Have you ever been captured by a word that so describes your soul that you are almost in awe of how precisely it fits how you feel?
Well, I am all about words. In fact, my office is slowly becoming my WORD wall. Words that describe the journey that the Father has me on-markers of rememberance, to help keep those things in front of my face, so I won't forget. Words like BREATHE, SIMPLIFY, GET REAL, DREAM BIG, FAITH, PRAY, BELIEVE, REMEMBER, LOVE...but today...today I have a new word. A word that has captured my heart and has sent me on the next step of my journey.
Well, let me back up, it first began with another word....the word TRANSFORM. I have been mesmorized by this word. I have become acutely aware of how overlooked this thought is in Christendom and that the call to Christ is a call to die to self and be transformed into the image of Him. Salvation is Consecration, Conformation and Transformation-all part of sanctification for a true Believer.
But today, that word came alive for me. Transformation comes about by the renewing of your mind. As we renew our minds and see God for who He truly is-it ought to CAPTIVATE us. We were once held captive in the kingdom of darkness, but we have now been transfered to the Kingdom of His beloved-not held captive, but CAPTIVATED by HIM.
Could it be that too many of us were not transformed or captivated by Him and yet think that we are safely in the Kingdom. I am coming to realize that transformation=captivation and that these are what describes true conversion. The question is not do you know Jesus. Even the demons know Him. The question is have you be transformed and are you Captivated by Him so much so that your life radically reveals your passion for Him?
I am asking for MORE transformation and captivation.
Captivate us, Lord Jesus, set our eyes on You.
Devastate with Your presence, falling down.
Rushing river, draw us nearer, holy fountain consume us with You.
Captivate us, Lord Jesus, with YOU.(hall)
1 comment:
hey, I read your blog all the time and just figured about a month ago that I would start me one. If you want to read it it is mypassion268.
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