Most days, I try to get up and exercise. I am not as consistent as I would like, but at least 4 days a week-I usually succeed at some sort of exercise. I have a recumbant bike that I love to ride. It is great for exercise, but it also allows me to multi-task. I can ride and work on my Scripture Memory, read my Bible and basically redeem what could be mindless time for me.
Today, I was riding my bike and my four year old climbed into my lap. I laid my Bible aside, and cuddled him up while I kept right on riding. I held like a "baby" (he loves that) and was kissing on him when he looked up and said, "why do you ride this bike mommy....it doesn't go anywhere?"
I laughed as I thought about his track of thinking. When he rides his bike, he likes to go somewhere-even if it is just down a hill. He couldn't understand why I would choose to sit in a room and ride without going anywhere. Now that I think of it, I am kinda baffled by it a little. So, I got to wondering....
Treadmills, bikes, elipsers, gyms-we are fascinated with the idea of going nowhere. We are consumed with the idea of working on our bodies-exercising, taking care of them. But we aren't really concerned that we are going nowhere. It kinda makes me laugh. I realize it is good exercise. It strengthens our body. It increases our heart rate. Yet, we are getting healthy and going nowhere.
The journey God has on is not a staionary journey-it is moving, breathing, changing and growing everyday. It is great that we are getting in shape, but if we aren't going anywhere-what good is that? God wants more from us than healthy bodies. He wants a people that will train themselves and then move where He moves-being willing to go anywhere instead of nowhere.
We can become comfortable with our staionary bikes-but going nowhere gets old. What if we stepped off the treadmills and began to journey with Jesus? And show our children what it is like to go somewhere...instead of causing them to question why we are going nowhere!
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