Many of us have given up our passions for obligations Somewhere along the course of life....we grew up and thought that maturity meant abandoning what we love for the mature, responsible thing. In living this way, we have become apathetic because we have lost our passion along the journey. We confused our purpose and our mission. We gave up what we love for our obligations.
There is truth in saying we must all grow up and be responsible. But it is a lie to think that we have to give up what we are passionate about-in fact, there could be no bigger mistake than to abdicate what you love.
The problem is that we have made our passions the wrong things. (sin) God gave us passion. He wants us to be passionate about HIm and not fill that hole with the things of the world. We have sought to fill our lives and look for satisfaction among things in stead of in His heart. His Word promises that if we delight ourselves in HIM, He will give us the desires of our heart.
The second dilemna is that we have not only allowed our passion for God to be replaced by the things of this world, but we have also made our walk with Him an obligation, a duty, something we must do verses something we love and are passionate about. God doesn't want us to feel obligated to love Him, He wants us to be passionate about Him.
Many of us are in danger of allowing our obligations to religion and our passion for things of this world, make us miss HIM altogether.
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