Jesus put the disciples in a boat and sent them out on the water to strive against the wind. The WORD actually says that they were harassed, striving against and fighting the storm. Jesus, seeing them fighting against them, walks out on the water-INTENDING TO PASS THEM BY. Is that possible? Jesus sees us in our sinking ship, fighting against the waves, harassed by a storm and all He intends to do about it pass us by.
I don't know about you, but I have been struggling with that thought. That is, until I realized that Jesus is not interested in saving my sinking ship or helping me strive against the wind. The WORD tells me that HE is in charge of the wind. He can hurl one or stop one. He is sovereign and puts us in the boat to strive against the wind. Why? So that we will cry out to Him. It wasn't until Peter cried out to Jesus...Lord, if that is you, let me walk on the water with you! I want out of the boat...I just want walk with you.
For most of us, we want Jesus to save us IN the ship. But Peter understood what Jesus was doing...Jesus intended to pass them by if they stayed in the ship. He was waiting for someone...anyone to cry out and get out of the boat and walk with Him. Sure that seems risky...the waves are just as rough outside the boat. But Peter understood that waves outside the boat WITH Jesus were better than waves inside the boat without Him.
Jesus intends to pass us by...unless we will cry out and get out of the boat and walk with Him. We can sit in our sinking ship or we can walk on water. But the choice is ours...
Jesus...don't pass me by...I will cry out...I will get out of the boat and walk with you. I will abandon the ship and run to you.
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