Gabby, my niece, said her prayers with my sister last night, which is a rare occurance these days as she doesn't get to go downstairs to put the girls to bed right now. She decided to say them with her Mom upstairs before she went down to bed. This is here story....
She prayed her normal little prayer, then finished up by saying, "and God please make everyone who is sick to feel better and make everyone's boo-boos all better, because we know that by the stripes of Jesus Christ, we are all healed." I sat in awe as she said "Amen" and pecked me on the cheek, then ran off down the steps to bed. Of course, my emotions are in overdrive right now, but tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat there thinking about what she had said, knowing that she said it, meant it, and believed it was true, with all her heart. It convicted me to the core, knowing that we pray things like that all the time, but I can honestly say, we probably don't necessarily believe it to be true with all our heart. There is something to the scripture that tells us to come to God as little children, and that a little child shall lead them, because there are days my children teach me more about Jesus than I have learned in a lifetime. Her prayer changed me, it changed my heart, because I know those are more than just words we say, I truly believe that by the stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed. It may not be the physical healing I am looking for at a particular moment, but I am convinced the spiritual healing of a heart is of far greater significance to God than these earthly vessels we posses that will pass away!
Just another "tiny confirmation" from God that I do hear His voice when I stop long enough to listen, and sometimes it comes in the form of my children!
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