I was doing a little gardening earlier this week. And let me say "a little" again, because it is not really my thing and I know absolutely nothing about it. I don't have one and was simply learning as I went. I can't even get my hanging baskets from Lowes to live....so gardening...Wow...a stretch for me.
But I was thinking a lot about the whole process; from tilling the ground and preparing it for the seed to having to weed it and tend it regularly so that it will produce what you want it to. But the thing that really got me was the grass....trying to keep the grass out. Tilling it up and removing what was once planted so that you could reproduce what you want. And then having to totally remove the remnants of the grass so it doesn't grow back. It was a lot of work just getting ready to plant, to produce what you wanted. And a big part of that was not just tilling up the ground, but removing from it the things that you no longer want there or else it will return and overtake what you are trying to produce.
For many of us, we are just like this garden. We have good intentions of producing good fruit. We even toil the ground and plant the seeds. But most of us do not take the time to remove the grass-we leave a clump or two here and there and think nothing of it. I am not even talking weeds. I am talking grass. Things that normally would be no big deal, but when you are trying to bear fruit for the Kingdom are a natural deterent. Tearing up what can not exist in order to get what you want. And for many of us it isn't about removing sin alone, but about removing those things that might creep in and destroy your crop, your fruit. Those things that would rob us and steal from us the produce of our labor...or later make reaping that harvest even more difficult to find because it would be overtaken with "grass". It is our outbursts of anger, selfishness, pride and frustration, but it is also our TV watching, movies and laziness. It is our lack of sacrifice, insufficient time in the Word and a casual prayer life. It is not putting others before ourselves. These things and so much more can cause whatever had been planted to be choked out, overgrown and keep good fruit from being produced.
We often start with great ambitions, but fall short because we don't remove the remnants....and it creeps back. We don't pull it up, carry it away and cast it aside. And it affects our produce.
There is a lot of work involved in simply getting the fallow ground ready for what it is going to receive so that it can reproduce. We all like the produce, but few of us like the work. I think it is time to get dirty....and to start dealing with the roots that keep creeping back into the garden, because it is affecting the produce. ALL FOR YOU
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Laptop: Lenovo Y410 OS: win XP sp3 AntiVirus: Norton Internet Security 2009 Back in the Philippines, I was using my laptop normally. No problems. I could connect to the internet, download stuff with p2p, etc. About a week ago, we arrived in Las Vegas and have been living with my uncle's. I was enjoyed his really really fast internet (well, compared to my connection back in the Philippines, It was incredibly fast). I was able to download stuff of interest and also surf normally. The problem occurred after I visited a pornsite (and I've been visiting this pornsite back then so, I had confidence that It didn't pose a threat to my system) (and please, I don't give a **** about what you think about me If I visit porn sites) My laptop started hanging. I have to hold the power button just to turn it off. Usually, windows would show an error that "the laptop didn't turn off properly" blah blah... It didn't. After my next attempts of rebooting the laptop, about 5 minutes into operation, it would slow down, and after a few seconds, it would freeze and after trying to run task manager, it would sound off a loud beep that wouldn't end unless I turn off the laptop by holding the power button. This happens when I'm connected to the net. This also happens when I'm not connected but gives my laptop more normal run time, and eventually hangs. I tried running system restore, It said that "it couldn't help solve the problem". I tried running system restore while in safe mode and it was successful. I rebooted back into normal and the same problem occurred (hang, loud beep). I tried doing a system scan in safemode (since in normal mode, it would hang right away), and it found 1 threat (mebroot) and said (Norton) to have resolved it. Fortunately, I had a back up OS (win XPsp3 again installed on a separate partition). I ran it, and connected to the internet. I surfed to google, fry's, target, (since I was shopping for stuff). After about 20 minutes into browsing, the same thing happened to my laptop (without browsing porn). It hanged, and sounded a loud beep again. My laptop is a year old, and warranty doesn't cover it any more. I want to know if I'm having hardware problems or software problems. Thanks! Happy New Year!
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