Have you ever tried to change computers? Or perhaps, you have changed from Windows 95, to windows 98, to windows 2000? Maybe you have changed from dos to windows or from windows to a mac? Changing operating systems on your computer can be a nightmare.
I have been thinking a lot about changing systems lately-particularly computer/operating systems. As I have thought about it, I have come up with a list of things that are musts for the change;
First it is important that everyone is on the same system. If not, then things that worked in dos won't work in windows and things that worked in windows won't transfer to a mac. Which means the work I do won't benefit anyone else.
Second, changing systems requires that you lay a good foundation for the change. Another words, you have to get ready for change. Me...well, I am a creature of habit and I would choose to use the same operating system on my computer forever, but in order for process and progress to occur, I can't stay in windows 95 forever, eventually I have to upgrade so that I can use the technology available to advance my productivity. And if I stay where I have been, then I get left behind and miss out on what lies ahead. Which means, ready or not....I have to get ready for change and just prepare myself that it is GOING to happen.
Third, it is NOT a gradual change. When I shift from one operating system to another-you just have to do it. You can't partially shift to a Mac, you either go all or nothing. I can't use windows 95 and 2000. I have to totally change-there is no in between.
Forthly, I have to realize that the change is going to bring conflict and glitches. There will be glitches in the software compatibility and conflict in programming from old to new. And if not dealt with it will shut down my system.
Fifthly, the way to deal with such conflict and glitches is to just make the change and deal with it as the problems arise. There is no in between, no easy way, no way to keep it from happening. As you resolved the glitches the new system becomes easier, better and more productive.
Sixth, I will not like the change at first. Why? because I like the ease of the old way. That is until I realize and learn that the new way is better and to my advantage. I may not like my Mac at first, but then I realize that as I learn to adjust to the change that it is better than the old operating system and I begin to love it.
As I have thought about changing operating systems on my computer, the Lord has revealed to my heart how alike these things are for each of us in our walks with Him and in church. God has called us to REPENT...to change the way we think. To line up our thinking with His. To change operating systems. To move from what we think...to what He thinks. His ways are not ours and to change the way we think or repent means to change operating systems.
Changing our system and our thinking requires the same things for us as it does for changing our computer.
First, it is important that we all get on the same system so we avoid not being able to work together. We must all decide that the operating system we are going to get on is GOD's. Whatever HE says we will do. We abandon our opinions and our own operating systems to get on His. How do we do this...we line up everything with the manual-His Word. If it doesn't line up...we can't do it. If it is there....we must.
Second, I better get ready for change. The message of the Word is not to leave us the same but to continually conform us to the Image of God and therefore that means Change. To fight against change is to fight against the gospel. Jesus came to bring change, particularly to the religious. Look at the gospels and see if that measures up...Jesus spent most of his time addressing the church via the Epistles, the religious of the day or the crowds (via the gospels) identifying what they were doing wrong and how to CHANGE it. If change isn't happening...something is wrong. In order for process and progress to occur, I can't stay where I have been forever, eventually I have to upgrade so that change and productivity for the Kingdom happens. . And if I stay where I have been, then I get left behind and miss out on what lies ahead. Which means, ready or not....I have to get ready for change and just prepare myself that it is GOING to happen.
Third, it is not a gradual change. We have to make the leap to getting on God's operating system and there is no in between. Sometimes we try to gradually shift over but we can't be partially on God's system and partially on our own. We are either fully on His system or not at all.
Fourth, conflict and glitches will arise as we change systems. People will not be happy with us. Conflicts with those who are not on His operating system will be apparent. Old programming will become a problem and not work with the new way of operating. But the only way to deal with it...is to deal with it. We can't avoid it. We MUST deal with it so that it doesn't shut down the new operating system and keep us from what we need to do. And the option is not to go back to the old way of thinking.
Fifth, I may not like the change, but I better learn to deal with it. Why? the alternative is to NOT be on God's operating system. And to miss out on what God has because I think my own way, the old way is better.
I am working hard at changing the way I think-at moving away from my own way of operating to being sure that everything lines up with Scripture. I am having to take a hard look at everything in my life and I am realizing that so much of it doesn't line up with God's operating system. I have been deceived in my thinking. Changing over is not easy...there are glitches and I don't always like it, but I am realizing that it is better and that though learning a new system can be difficult at times, it is also something I am beginning to enjoy as I see that changing the way I think to measure up to God's way of thinking is becoming something I desire and not just know I have to do. Because HIS WAY is BETTER. ALL FOR YOU
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