This morning, I rose early to take my kids to breakfast at the church and then on to their flagpole to pray. The getting up part is usually a stretch for me, not to mention being mobile and able to converse this early rarely happens. But the Lord gives grace to handle all things that you are supposed to do and today, I was supposed to be at the flagpole. NOT just because it was See You at the Pole day. NOT just because it was a chance to be a witness. NOT just because it was a way to lead my kids in standing up for Jesus. NOT just because I am the minister's wife and am expected to lead. But because I was supposed to SEE something myself.
It was a slow go at first. It was my kids and I, along with a few kids from our church who had been at the breakfast. We waited a few minutes and a few of the school staff and their families joined us. Little by little, more and more came to the flagpole. There were probably 40 or so there by the time we finished. But, that wasn't what I was supposed to SEE at See Ya at the Pole.
About half way through the prayer time, the school administrator's realized what was happening (they didn't know it was SYATP Day). I looked up and realized that our Principle stood on my left and the Asst. Principle was standing on my right, praying with us. They were praying WITH us over our children. Amen was spoken and we began to break from our circle, when our Principle stopped us. He said, "I want to close us...I was just waiting to see if there was anyone else who wanted to pray. Please join hands again and I will close us in prayer."
Stunned, I grabbed my son's hand and listened as our Principle prayed out loud over our children, giving God all glory and honor and fame. Once he said amen and the kids began to head to class, I stopped him to shake his hand. I told him that in a time where most would hide their faith for the sake of being politically correct in the job, that I appreciated his leadership and his stand for his faith this morning. I walked away with one of our deacon's and we both were VERY encouraged to see and know the leadership that our children are sitting under everyday.
I was not all that thrilled to be up so early this morning. But, as I sit here typing this, I realized that I was the one blessed this morning. In my effort to bless God and be a witness, what I SAW at the Pole, blessed me. Not just the children, but to know that there are those overseeing my children everyday that are making a stand for their faith and blessing God as they do it.
Thankyou Mr. Howard and Mr. McCallALL FOR YOU
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