REMIX...I like that Word. Tonight at Relevant, we talked about Prayer Remix. The basic premise was that we needed to remix our prayers or think them through a little more. I have been doing a lot of REMIXING lately...or maybe I should say examining the way I think and questioning why I do things or believe things. I have been challenged to let go of some things. I have had to redesign and eliminate things. I have had to ask some hard questions and I didn't like the answers I got, but when faced with the truth, change was the only option.
I began to ask questions like:
1. If Jesus is on the throne, would He be saying 'right on' to this?
2. If I filtered this through the Word of God, would it pass? or is this just what I like?
3. What is GOD's thoughts, plans and heart on this?
It is funny because when you ask these questions it begins to make life uncomfortable. Why? because we have ideas about life that don't measure up to the Word, God's heart and He wouldn't say right on to.
For me....well, I had to remix-rethink. And example of this was how I chose to spend my day yesterday. I thought I deserved some down time. We have been busy and needed to just stay home and relax. My day started with family time and a soccer game. While at the soccer game, I got to engage in conversation with other parents on the sidelines about the Kingdom of God. So while I am not sure that Jesus is "down" with soccer, I do know that He wants me to invest in my children and I used the time to advance the Kingdom as well by having intentional conversation. So, I think that one passes. Noah had a friend over and we went to eat. Then we all went home to watch the Clemson game. I made a pot of coffee, sat on my couch and did nothing for 3 hours. NEXT, came cooking dinner for the family, a trip to Anderson to look for a vacuum belt (which I didn't find), a cup of coffee at a bookstore where I read a gossip magazine and then home. I crawled in my bed at 8:45 and watched chick flicks for the next 4 hours.
While for many, that may seem like a good day. A fun day. A relaxing day....I was torn up over it. I did NOTHING. I thought about NOTHING. I WASTED the bulk of the day. I did very little for the Kingdom. It started out good...using what opportunities and commitments I had to talk about Jesus, but then....I tanked. And when I shut the TV off...I was sad.
I watched better than 7 hours of tv....omg, that sounds really bad, when I say it that way. I laid around and did nothing productive. I spent time reading a gossip magazine. I did very little to invest in relationships, community or the Word. I can't imagine Jesus was on the throne going....Christy, I want you to do more of that-this is exactly what I wanted you to do with the time I gave you. I know that the time spent in front of the tv would never make it through the Word of God test. I just liked it and did it. I know God's heart was grieved at the time HE gave me to breathe and live for HIM and I took it and squandered it.
I am a believer in a Sabbath rest. But the Sabbath is for GOD....to focus and center on HIM. I believe in being still and taking down time, but not so that I can fill that downtime with things of the world.
Honestly, I can't say that Jesus was pleased with how I spent my day. There are moments where I talked about Him, thought about Him and used it for His glory....but 7 hours wasted....
I think I need a remix on how to spend my time, not just how I pray. I laid in bed last night, sad because of the WASTE. I confessed to the Lord how sorry I was that I had not used any of the FREE time to love on Him, pursue Him or even just sit with Him. I was sad because while I could have used that time for Him. I used it for me. And I am quite certain Jesus was not on the throne going....RIGHT ON....with that.
So will I watch football....CERTAINLY, but I will be more intentional about what I do with that time. Have people over, talk to my kids about being on God's offensive line, use it as an illustration. Watch the plays and think about how we need to be offensive and defensive in the Kingdom. Compare that to the playbook. Or maybe, just have people over, work on community and unity and fellowship, talk about God while we enjoy the game...I don't know....but I do know that I don't need to waste a second, but use every moment, every breath as a chance to advance His Kingdom. I can't find anywhere in Scripture where it says...take a little time for yourself, indulge in the simple pleasures of life, don't worry about thinking about GOD today....Time for a remix...to change the way I think.
Jesus, I am sorry for the waste. I repent and return to you. You are my hope, my dream, my all. Help me to use every step, every breath for you-to not waste a moment. ALL FOR YOU
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