Saturday, December 30, 2006

warring friends

Relationships are the currency of God's Kingdom. Nothing else is as
valuable in the culture of heaven as our intimate connection to God and
one another. If this is true, then a passion for thriving, healthy
relationships must dominate the vision of every Christ-follower. The term
relationship is broad, but we will focus on the INTIMATE frienships in
your life-the one, two or three people who know you best. It may or may
not be a romantic relationship, but it is where your soul goes deep.
Depth and commitment are what separate "hanging out" from
life-transforming interdependence. Friendship is a commitment forged in
the HEAT of battle. And until your relationship is tested by conflict,
you don't really know what you have. LASTING friendships use every
obstacle as a means to know each other deeply and reinforce and enduring
commitment to each other's good.
People should always be more important than projects. Today's culture is
consumed with production and evaluates people on their ability to
generate excellent work, not on their ability to nurture healthy
relationships. This is why frienships drift into functional partnerships
instead of actual sharing life. In order to build a healthy intimate
frienship you need both quality time and quantity of time, so that you
can get past the superficial, to take the masks off and be real.
Building relationships that can go the distance combines the resources of
time with the skill of intention. Relationships can't be rushed and more
than you can hurry along the blooming of a flower. Both require adequate
time and care. Care comes from being INTENTIONAL-using your time with
your friends to deepen your understanding of one another, to touch the
hidden places of the soul and to contribute out of your own soul.
Real Relationships are built when you guard your brother's back and know
that he has yours. When you know that your failures, your triumphs and
your destiny are owned and carried by your cloest friends. This is the
climate that empowers grwoth and transformation, whether the context is
marriage or frienship or CHURCH.
The Bible affirms these things in the picture of David and Jonathon.
Jonathon is nearly always mentioned in the same breath with his friend
David. It is the picture that true friendship has a redemptive power that
surpasses the relationship itself and moves us towards our destiny. David
and Jonathon both knew that they could not face the enemy without a
relationship that was utterly committed to their own good. And so they
committed themselves to each other in FRIENDSHIP, vowing to guard one
another, love one another, seek the highest good of that
they could both succeed."(the NEW REBELLION)

So....wouldn't it be smart to INVEST, be INTENTIONAL and to build
relationships that can last a life time.

Friday, December 29, 2006

come on let's go....but beware

I sat down for a few minutes tonight to clear my mind and try to focus on something other than the pain that is in my neck. I picked up the guitar and worked for a little while, but found my heart being drawn to the piano once again. I was actually thinking about the music for the upcoming REVIVAL-The REAL THING...that is coming in Jan. I was working through several songs, asking the Lord to reveal that which would bring Him pleasure and move our hearts into the throne room.
I found my heart singing a fairly new song by David Crowder. COME AND LISTEN, come and listen to what He has done. Praise our God for what He has done....But the heart of song is found in the beginning. Come to the water's edge all who know and fear the Lord. Come to the water's edge all who are thirsty, come.
As I sat at the piano, singing these words to the Father and allowing them to pierce my heart, I was flooded with that COME....come higher, come further, come closer. I was stunned by the familiar call of the Father that invaded my heart only days ago. A call which said-Come on let's go!

While sitting in these thoughts this evening, I allowed the Father freedom to speak and a willingness of heart to listen. I cried out to Him....and said that I was here...listening. His call to me is the same...come on, let's go.

But I also heard a WARNING....a very STERN warning. It was not the first time I have heard it in the last 3 days. But this time, it overwhelmed me.
Beware...the enemy is crouching at your door and is seeking to destroy you and your journey. Do not be derailed....but COME ON...with all that you are and do not be deterred by anything here on earth. I was startled by the intensity of the Warning. And it has moved my heart in recent days to pray offensively and specifically about the temptation that is lurking and the attempt of the enemy to derail us from the journey. Specifically to say...don't turn back...come ON....Press on to know me.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us
He has wounded us but He will bandage us
He will revive us after two days
He will raise us up on the third day
that we may live before Him.
So let us know, let us press on to Know the Lord...(harass!)
His going forth is as certain as the dawn;
and He will come to us like the rain.

So let's GO.....let's not back up....let's not allow the enemy to keep us from moving forward. Let's not compromise or give him place. Do not be fooled....he is lurking, waiting to destroy us, but he will not win....if we will press on.
Come on...let's go!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

preparing for rain

As of Monday morning, I will be headed to Atlanta to the PASSION Conference. It is going to be an awesome time of worship and feasting on the Word of God. I have counted the days...for me, this is better than Christmas. But not for the reasons most think.
Sure I will enjoy the speakers. I mean who doesn't like Louie, Francis Chan, Beth Moore, John Piper and many others. The music will ROCK and usher us into the presence of God. With worship leaders like Tomlin, Crowder, Hall and Redman...there is bound to be little sprinkle from the Lord.
But me...I am preparing for RAIN...God raining down His glory on us, pushing our faces to the ground, breaking us, ministering to us, healing us and reviving us. For me, it is not about the speakers or the music, but a KNOWING in my heart that GOD will be there and meet us. I am going to be totally spent and undone...simply because my heart will be vested only on Him for 4 days.
Everyday should be like that....but most days I fail. So for me...KNOWING this is going to better than any gift, any celebration, any sermon or music...just BEING with JESUS...meeting with Him.
It is what church should be like all the time. Sadly, that is not the case. So this will have to hold me for awhile....I am preparing for a downpour from the Lord...and I am not carrying an umbrella. I will turn my face to heaven and be drenched by His majesty and greatness. I will bask in His glory and fall face down as He presses into towards us. me to bring this back home...and to share it with others.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

I took a few minutes, this Christmas Eve, to spend some time reflecting on Jesus. As I have mentioned, I have been overtaken by the fact that we are celebrating the Christ child, while our focus is on so many other things. Therefore, for me…I have chosen to set my heart upon Him. To rejoice in Him and to allow my heart to be captivated by Him alone.

Isa 9:2-6
2 The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.
(John 1:9 There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.-Jesus)
4 For Thou shalt break the yoke of their burden and the staff on their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor, as at the battle of Midian.
6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Isa 7:14 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.

I have been soaking in these Scriptures today. In fact, I could hear the Father whisper them over my heart while I was at church. I couldn’t remember WHERE they were found and had to come home and look it up so I could meditate upon them. Isaiah tells us that the people walking in darkness will see a great light and John affirms that Light to be Jesus.

This child, Jesus, born to the virgin, will be called Wonderful Counselor-meaning a marvelous thing, a miracle, something to marvel at, a divine guide and purpose. Mighty God-the championed, almighty. Eternal Father-a perpetual, continual, everlasting DADDY. Prince of peace-the steward of reconciliation, of the covenant relationship, the friendship. Immanuel-God with us.

This Jesus…..a marvel of God, to guide us in His divine purpose was sent to be our champion over sin, to bring us out of darkness into the Light so that He could be our Abba, our Daddy. He is our peace, our justification, our reconciliation, our lamb that established Covenant, allowing us to pass through the pieces of flesh and enter into a friendship with God. And if that is not enough….He is GOD with us, in us, for us, through us.

Tomorrow, we celebrate the COMING of JESUS to be GOD WITH US. How can we be drawn aside or distracted by lesser things or distractions? But we are….and so Isaiah makes a statement that absolutely blows my mind!

For Thou shalt break the yoke of their burden and the staff on their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor, as at the battle of Midian.

Isaiah explains that these people who have seen the Light (Jesus) will rejoice because He will break the yoke of their burden and the rod of their oppressor-as at Midian.
God used Gideon to deliver Israel from the oppression and slavery of the Midianites. He used ONE man to break the yoke and the rod of those who enslaved and oppressed His people.

Wow….and then Isaiah says that this is what Jesus does for us. He is the breaker of the yoke of slavery and the rod of oppression. He is what can free us from distractions and lesser things-if we set out hearts on Him.

I am sure many of us are facing oppression, trials, slavery and yokes of bondage. I am confident that the enemy has us convinced that there is no way out or that it is something we must learn to deal with. Many of us have settled for life under the rule of another. Many of us have learned to “survive”….but tomorrow….tomorrow we CELEBRATE, we rejoice because the ONE who is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, has come to deliver us from that which enslaves us. He has come and when He shows up in our worlds-it will be captivating and devastating all in the same moment. We will be Captivated by His greatness and devastated by His grace. We will be Captivated by His Love and devastated by His mercy. We will be Captivated by His compassion and yet devastated by the change He will require and perform in us.

Tomorrow should be a day….of rejoicing in a God who delivers-who captivates and devastates. Claim that truth, run after it, harass God with it….and celebrate it.
He is our peace. He is our Covenant Sacrifice. He is our deliverer. He is the Beginning and End. He is Tabernacle. He is the Law giver. He is the judge. He is our Kinsman Redeemer. He is our Strong Tower. He is our Shepherd. He is our King. He is the Word. He is our Wall. He is our song. He is our Bridegroom. He is our Priest. He is our Prophet. He is our Future and our Hope. He is the Word made flesh. He is our redemption. He is our friend. He is our soon and coming Daddy. He is….

What does tomorrow hold….the promise of deliverance and the soon and coming King.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Top 10 reasons to join:
10 you are intensely passionate for Jesus and HIS KINGDOM
9 You really want to live a life of eternal significance
8 You resent the apathy that derails many of Jesus' followers.
7 You're willing to swim against today's social currents.
6 You know God is already stirring your heart for action.
5 You're looking for tools to empower God's purpose.
4 You want to live out God's ancient wisdom in a relevant way.
3 You desire to experience God and invite others into that experience.
2 You're absolutely dedicated to Christ's Lordship in your life.
1 You're ready to move in the power and authority of God.

I'm IN!

Monday, December 18, 2006

many or few? just me and you!

Saul was the man God had chosen to be king. He was a born leader and anointed by God. For a time, Saul feared the Lord and feared failing Him. Saul fought many battles for the children of Israel and won. And in 1 Sam 14, we find that he was about to engage in another battle, but was awaiting Samuel to come and offer sacrifices before they went to war. Saul, in his impatience, waited 7 days and got tired of waiting and had the offering brought to him. He then took it upon himself to offer sacrifices to the Lord, which could-at that time-only be done by a priest. When Samuel arrives, he informs Saul that he has acted foolishly and that the Kingdom would not be ripped from his hands and given to another.

When it came time for battle, we find Saul sitting on the outskirts under a pomegranate tree. The people were awaiting his instructions…and he did nothing. The enemy was drawing closer and Saul sat and sulked, knowing he had been disobedient and would reap the consequences to his sin.

However, his son Jonathon, is a whole other story. Jonathon, watching his father sit under the tree on the outskirts, not engaging in anything, refused to be a part of such disobedience. Jonathon watched as his father choose to remove himself from the blessableness of God and choose to be different. Jonathon choose to engage in battle. Jonathon choose NOT to walk in his Father’s footsteps.

While Saul sat and sulked, Jonathon found three small words that forever changed the journey ahead for him. I love the heart of Jonathon….a believer in the bigness of God and not willing to simply sit in a corner. He was a fighter for what he believed in.

Twice, he says these words….twice in one 6 verse Jonathon uses them as a war cry. He looks at his armor bearer and says “come let us go”. His Father might sit under a tree, but as for Jonathon…he would not. His father might choose to disengage, but not Jonathon. Jonathon refuses to sit and be taken captive. He is going to fight. “Come let us go….perhaps the Lord will work for us, for the Lord is not restrained to save by many of by few.”

What was he saying? If it is only the two of us….I am good with that! If it is just me and my armor bearer, I believe God is big enough to use just the two of us to deliver us from the enemy that is advancing. God does not need an army. He does not need MANY…He only needs a few! I will be the few!

Come let us go…..if it is only the two of us….I am good with that. For my God is Big enough to deliver….


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Thoughts

tonight, I was thinking about what the season is REALLY all about. As Christians, we often say that JESUS is the reason for the season, but is that really true? Can we go to a party and never mention His name and say that He is the reason for the season? Can we tell stories of rudolph and frosty and yet say little or nothing about the Christ child and say that He is the real reason for Christmas? Can we go to staff get togethers, put lights on a tree and wrap gifts and never give a thought to Jesus and say He is the reason?
What is Christmas all about?
Yes, It is about Jesus. It is about understanding that God sent His Son to be born in a manger and to die on a cross because we are desperate sinners in need of a Savior. I feel bad knowing that we have lost Jesus in the midst of a celebration bearing His name. We talk of Santa and Rudolph. And yes, we will even go to church on Christmas Eve.
But there is something inside of me that continues to beg the that why He came? So that we could claim to be Christians and live half heartedly for Him? Do we really think that He came so that we could get our get out of hell free cards and live any way we like?
I can't imagine that is what He wants. And I certainly can't imagine that He is pleased with our celebration of His Birth...with only the slightest mention of His name. Do we not understand these are ETERNAL and death....?
I am overwhelmed tonight thinking that so many wear His name and can attend church and parites in His name and yet, never mention His name, talk of His greatness or live as He has called.
Father....may you so radically change our lives....that you would no longer be lost in a religion that wears your name.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


What a blessing to see a group of people come together to work for the glory of the Lord. We are so blessed....thanks.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Can YOU hear me now?

This morning, I heard that voice. It calls my name....over and over, until I answer. It draws me in and sometimes is quite annoying. It is a voice that I love to hear, yet know that most times it is going to require something of me. It is a voice that I never tire of, however becomes tiresome as I know what comes next. It never stops until I answer. It is relentless.
It isn't that I didn't hear it the first twelve times. It is just that I was putting it off, busy doing something else. Or sometimes it is just that I don't want to answer. More often than not, I don't answer immediately because I just don't want to.
Eventually, I always answer. Eventually, I tune in, give in, give up and respond.
No, it is not the voice of God....but the voice of my four year old, Micah. (Now, before some of you jump to the conclusion that I am not a good Mom-not always responding to his every beck in call, let me remind ALL of you how many times you have wanted to change your name from "mommy or daddy", because of the incessant calling-for no reason.)

But for many of us....the description above could have described our response to the call of God. I want to train my heart to immediately respond to God and not to delay. Delayed obedience is disobedience. I want to train myself to be so tuned in that I don't put off the call of God.
I felt that call yesterday. It began in the morning. A call to come aside, be in the Word and to fellowship. I heard Him call me. Several times, I went to my desk, only to be sidetracked by "stuff" and then called away. Thank goodness for God's persistence in chasing me.....for He would call me back. It took 4 trips to my desk, away and back, several hours and a nagging call of God to get me to come aside. I must confess that I was ashamed that I had allowed so many other things to become my priority. By 1pm, I had carved out a few minutes to soak in the Word, to bask in His message to me. I turned on some praise music, delved deep and swam through the depths of His greatness. I look back and wonder why I waited? Why I let so many things come first? For the greatness of God is so overwhelming that I can't imagine what could have been so important. Even now, I don't remember. (it might have been the call of my four year old!)

Let's not delay when we hear His voice. Let's not allow other things to become our idols of worship and priority by becoming first place over His call to us. Let's not allow ourselves to be drawn away by things of this world. Let's train our hearts to respond immediately to His call.

My four year old is learning that to "mommy" me to death is not the way to get my attention. He must come to me and speak what He needs...not just call my name over and over. And yet, I am learning that all I have to do is cry out to Him and He will answer. He will come to me and meet my needs. Isn't it great that God is better than we are?

Call to me and I will answer, I will show you great and marvelous things that you have not seen. Jer 33:3

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Make me a WARRIOR

Sunday morning, during a time of worship and prayer, I was overtaken by the heart of God. The room was already thick with the presence of God and I could sense that the following moments were going to be intense. I was just waiting for the movement of God to begin. It was awakened in our souls by the movement of 2 young boys, who could not have been 13. They were small in stature and in normal circumstances, probably would not be given a second thought by adults. However, on this day, they lead us into the throne room of God, as their boldness and courage stirred our hearts to respond as they had to the power and greatness of God.
The room was ripe and ready when I watched the 2 small boys almost sneak down the side of the building. The walkway was so small, that they walked one behind the other, yet the one from behind had his hand on the shoulder of the one in front, as if to say "i am still with you". They quietly made their way down the side of the building and to the front where they discreetly found a place on the steps of the altar to lay themselves. We were all thunderously singing "I surrender all", with hands open in demonstration that we would hold nothing back from our God. We were mouthing the words to an age old song. It was not the time for "invitation". No one had invited anyone to the altar. The service wasn't almost over, in fact, it had barely started. But in an act of courage and response to their God, these 2 small boys led the way. The leader looked down in the middle of the song and realized what was happening and just smiled.
If you had not been watching for it, you might had missed them. They were not looking to draw attention to themselves. They were not two kids who didn't know what they were doing or who were driven my emotion. They were two young men who had the courage to kneel themselves before their God despite the when, where or who, despite a room full of peers that might make fun....they made their way to Jesus.
I immediately began to cry. They had done what I wanted to do. But I was too afraid. I was waiting for someone to tell me it was okay. I wanted to be those two boys.
Later during the service, we had a time of prayer where people were asked to cry out to the Lord-literally out loud. To voice our prayers. Not in a "prayer circle", but just to shout out what was on our hearts. At first there was this trickle of shouts asking for God to show Himself or to help someone in sin. But it only took a minute or two before it began to rain down in that room as kids began to cry out two and three at time to the Father, begging Him to save their familiy members, to help them live for His glory, to rescue a friend in trouble. It was absolutely, amazingly beautiful to hear teenagers, without reservation shout out to the Father. In my heart, I could see Jesus sitting on the throne saying..."those are my kids crying out to me...give them what they want...I love them and am pleased with their offering." Kids began instantly dropping to their knees. The carpet was now covered with kids who were laying facedown before the Lord, bowed low to the ground. We were in the presence of the Lord and THEY knew it...they couldn't help but respond that way and neither could I.
In the midst of the kids shouting out their cries to the Lord, I heard one of those little boys from the front. He was on his knees (along with everyone else). He rared back on his heels and turned his face towards heaven and shouted out his cry to the Lord.
"God, Make me a WARRIOR for you!"
It was all he said.
God used those boys to pierce my heart and to start a movement of God in that room. Their cry was to "make me a Warrior for you" and as far as I could tell....they are well on their way. A boy with the heart of David. A child who longs to be a Warrior for the King. Abandoning all, leading the way, free from the bonds of expectation....just making their way to Jesus and asking....Make me a Warrior for you.
The following moments were full of mental word pictures that I will later write about. But today, the one that pierces my heart is of a young man crying out to the Father. It was in that moment, I was confident that we had "had church" and that the Father was pleased. It was in that moment that the presence of the Lord descended on that room and pressed us all to the ground, leaving us undone. And it happened because a boy had the courage to MOVE and RESPOND to the greatness of who God is. I saw a really BIG GOD in the heart of a small boy. A boy who has a heart like HIS....a boy who has challenged my feet to MOVE AND RESPOND-not waiting for the okay, but just quietly, discreetly, responding to the awesomeness of God.