Sunday morning, during a time of worship and prayer, I was overtaken by the heart of God. The room was already thick with the presence of God and I could sense that the following moments were going to be intense. I was just waiting for the movement of God to begin. It was awakened in our souls by the movement of 2 young boys, who could not have been 13. They were small in stature and in normal circumstances, probably would not be given a second thought by adults. However, on this day, they lead us into the throne room of God, as their boldness and courage stirred our hearts to respond as they had to the power and greatness of God.
The room was ripe and ready when I watched the 2 small boys almost sneak down the side of the building. The walkway was so small, that they walked one behind the other, yet the one from behind had his hand on the shoulder of the one in front, as if to say "i am still with you". They quietly made their way down the side of the building and to the front where they discreetly found a place on the steps of the altar to lay themselves. We were all thunderously singing "I surrender all", with hands open in demonstration that we would hold nothing back from our God. We were mouthing the words to an age old song. It was not the time for "invitation". No one had invited anyone to the altar. The service wasn't almost over, in fact, it had barely started. But in an act of courage and response to their God, these 2 small boys led the way. The leader looked down in the middle of the song and realized what was happening and just smiled.
If you had not been watching for it, you might had missed them. They were not looking to draw attention to themselves. They were not two kids who didn't know what they were doing or who were driven my emotion. They were two young men who had the courage to kneel themselves before their God despite the when, where or who, despite a room full of peers that might make fun....they made their way to Jesus.
I immediately began to cry. They had done what I wanted to do. But I was too afraid. I was waiting for someone to tell me it was okay. I wanted to be those two boys.
Later during the service, we had a time of prayer where people were asked to cry out to the Lord-literally out loud. To voice our prayers. Not in a "prayer circle", but just to shout out what was on our hearts. At first there was this trickle of shouts asking for God to show Himself or to help someone in sin. But it only took a minute or two before it began to rain down in that room as kids began to cry out two and three at time to the Father, begging Him to save their familiy members, to help them live for His glory, to rescue a friend in trouble. It was absolutely, amazingly beautiful to hear teenagers, without reservation shout out to the Father. In my heart, I could see Jesus sitting on the throne saying..."those are my kids crying out to me...give them what they want...I love them and am pleased with their offering." Kids began instantly dropping to their knees. The carpet was now covered with kids who were laying facedown before the Lord, bowed low to the ground. We were in the presence of the Lord and THEY knew it...they couldn't help but respond that way and neither could I.
In the midst of the kids shouting out their cries to the Lord, I heard one of those little boys from the front. He was on his knees (along with everyone else). He rared back on his heels and turned his face towards heaven and shouted out his cry to the Lord.
"God, Make me a WARRIOR for you!"
It was all he said.
God used those boys to pierce my heart and to start a movement of God in that room. Their cry was to "make me a Warrior for you" and as far as I could tell....they are well on their way. A boy with the heart of David. A child who longs to be a Warrior for the King. Abandoning all, leading the way, free from the bonds of expectation....just making their way to Jesus and asking....Make me a Warrior for you.
The following moments were full of mental word pictures that I will later write about. But today, the one that pierces my heart is of a young man crying out to the Father. It was in that moment, I was confident that we had "had church" and that the Father was pleased. It was in that moment that the presence of the Lord descended on that room and pressed us all to the ground, leaving us undone. And it happened because a boy had the courage to MOVE and RESPOND to the greatness of who God is. I saw a really BIG GOD in the heart of a small boy. A boy who has a heart like HIS....a boy who has challenged my feet to MOVE AND RESPOND-not waiting for the okay, but just quietly, discreetly, responding to the awesomeness of God.
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