Saul was the man God had chosen to be king. He was a born leader and anointed by God. For a time, Saul feared the Lord and feared failing Him. Saul fought many battles for the children of Israel and won. And in 1 Sam 14, we find that he was about to engage in another battle, but was awaiting Samuel to come and offer sacrifices before they went to war. Saul, in his impatience, waited 7 days and got tired of waiting and had the offering brought to him. He then took it upon himself to offer sacrifices to the Lord, which could-at that time-only be done by a priest. When Samuel arrives, he informs Saul that he has acted foolishly and that the Kingdom would not be ripped from his hands and given to another.
When it came time for battle, we find Saul sitting on the outskirts under a pomegranate tree. The people were awaiting his instructions…and he did nothing. The enemy was drawing closer and Saul sat and sulked, knowing he had been disobedient and would reap the consequences to his sin.
However, his son Jonathon, is a whole other story. Jonathon, watching his father sit under the tree on the outskirts, not engaging in anything, refused to be a part of such disobedience. Jonathon watched as his father choose to remove himself from the blessableness of God and choose to be different. Jonathon choose to engage in battle. Jonathon choose NOT to walk in his Father’s footsteps.
While Saul sat and sulked, Jonathon found three small words that forever changed the journey ahead for him. I love the heart of Jonathon….a believer in the bigness of God and not willing to simply sit in a corner. He was a fighter for what he believed in.
Twice, he says these words….twice in one 6 verse Jonathon uses them as a war cry. He looks at his armor bearer and says “come let us go”. His Father might sit under a tree, but as for Jonathon…he would not. His father might choose to disengage, but not Jonathon. Jonathon refuses to sit and be taken captive. He is going to fight. “Come let us go….perhaps the Lord will work for us, for the Lord is not restrained to save by many of by few.”
What was he saying? If it is only the two of us….I am good with that! If it is just me and my armor bearer, I believe God is big enough to use just the two of us to deliver us from the enemy that is advancing. God does not need an army. He does not need MANY…He only needs a few! I will be the few!
Come let us go…..if it is only the two of us….I am good with that. For my God is Big enough to deliver….
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