I sat down for a few minutes tonight to clear my mind and try to focus on something other than the pain that is in my neck. I picked up the guitar and worked for a little while, but found my heart being drawn to the piano once again. I was actually thinking about the music for the upcoming REVIVAL-The REAL THING...that is coming in Jan. I was working through several songs, asking the Lord to reveal that which would bring Him pleasure and move our hearts into the throne room.
I found my heart singing a fairly new song by David Crowder. COME AND LISTEN, come and listen to what He has done. Praise our God for what He has done....But the heart of song is found in the beginning. Come to the water's edge all who know and fear the Lord. Come to the water's edge all who are thirsty, come.
As I sat at the piano, singing these words to the Father and allowing them to pierce my heart, I was flooded with that call.....to COME....come higher, come further, come closer. I was stunned by the familiar call of the Father that invaded my heart only days ago. A call which said-Come on let's go!
While sitting in these thoughts this evening, I allowed the Father freedom to speak and a willingness of heart to listen. I cried out to Him....and said that I was here...listening. His call to me is the same...come on, let's go.
But I also heard a WARNING....a very STERN warning. It was not the first time I have heard it in the last 3 days. But this time, it overwhelmed me.
Beware...the enemy is crouching at your door and is seeking to destroy you and your journey. Do not be derailed....but COME ON...with all that you are and do not be deterred by anything here on earth. I was startled by the intensity of the Warning. And it has moved my heart in recent days to pray offensively and specifically about the temptation that is lurking and the attempt of the enemy to derail us from the journey. Specifically to say...don't turn back...come ON....Press on to know me.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us
He has wounded us but He will bandage us
He will revive us after two days
He will raise us up on the third day
that we may live before Him.
So let us know, let us press on to Know the Lord...(harass!)
His going forth is as certain as the dawn;
and He will come to us like the rain.
So let's GO.....let's not back up....let's not allow the enemy to keep us from moving forward. Let's not compromise or give him place. Do not be fooled....he is lurking, waiting to destroy us, but he will not win....if we will press on.
Come on...let's go!
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