Thursday, September 30, 2010

children lead

At a recent church event, (Piedmont Baptist Association) Jr. Hill gave a powerful invitation for “church” people to get saved. He preached and was clear to point out that many are sitting in pews, still lost and then presented the opportunity for the lost, but churched to get saved. I stood in the balcony, praying and asking the Lord if it could be me. Having settled that years ago, I began to pray for the others in the room. When I looked up, I was amazed at the sight I saw. The altar was filled with children. Children walking past the preachers and laying on the stairs of the altar. Children not coming to get saved, but coming to pray-for the lost in the room. There were probably 50 or more children laid across the front of that church, on their faces praying-then going back to their seats. It was evident they were praying for the lost adults in the room.
It was then, I was reminded of a verse of Scripture that says-“and a child shall lead them.” I am quite certain many in that place were praying. And not condemning or judging anyone-just amazed that it was the children who led out with the freedom to entreat the Lord from the altar, on their faces, while all of us adults stood respectfully in our places. (me being one of them.) It was a beautiful word picture. It is the faith of a child that God is looking for and honors. Sometimes, I am just too proud. But they led the way.
So, perhaps the next time I hesitate to respond, I will remember what I saw. Not the leaders, men and women-but the leaders, being children paving the way to the throne and the altar as they covered it in prayer. May we follow in their footsteps to Jesus.