Wednesday, March 30, 2005


What you do with the answer is as important as asking the question. For me, I want the answer so I can set my feet in a direction and walk. But I am learning it is not always about walking, sometimes it is about listening, learning, growing, being stretched, standing still, being teachable and being willing to change. I ask Why alot...I don't always get the answer, but the journey is far more significant than the answer and I am learning to trust the God I know and not the answers I don't understand. For in the end it all works out for our good and His glory! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


We all have questions and wonder WHY....we even ask God why....and then feel guilty because we should just trust. And yet, we are to come to God with childlike faith. As a child, I always asked WHY. Asking why is what helped me to learn. I was a WHY child. But it was through asking those questions that I learned the answers. Sometimes it was "because I said so", other times is was a given answer that helped me to understand. But it was through asking that I learned and grew. I think the same is true of our walks with God. We should not feel guilty for asking WHY...but accept the answer either way- because HE said so or the solid answer. The asking of WHY is not the is what we do with the answer...that often causes us to stumble....So be a WHY child, but accept the answers and obey! That is childlike faith!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

All about Presence

It seems like no matter how old you are, we are all about presents. Whether it is Easter Dresses, Easter baskets, birthday presents, Christmas Presents, Mother's day/Father's day Presents, presents when the parents go away, Valentine's presents-the list could continue. We are all about getting presents. Presents are cool and I love getting them as much as the next person, but I was thinking that maybe if we were as much as PRESENCE as we were about presents, that things would be different in all of our lives. If we lived for the Presence of God instead of the Presents He can give us...maybe we would live and move differently. I was just thinking...maybe is should be all about Presence instead of presents. ALL FOR YOU

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Do you ever feel guilty for asking God for MORE. He sent His son to save us from eternity separated from Him and yet we still ask for MORE. We still Yearn for MORE from Him, MORE of Him, MORE....and yet, I believe that is exactly what God wants. Not for us to come for our handouts, but to yearn for MORE. To not be satisfied, but to want MORE.
I wanna Yearn for You, I wanna burn with passion for You and only You.
When I think about the Lord and how He saved me, how He raised me, how He filled me up with the Holy Ghost, how He healed me to the makes me wanna shout Hallelujah, thankyou Jesus, Lord You are worthy of all the Glory, all the Honor and all the praise.
And yet....I yearn for MORE of you....thankyou for drawing me and for revealing More and More....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I have been praying for the Lord to provide for awhile now. And yet in the fervancy of that prayer, I missed something very crucial. HE HAS BEEN. I have been praying for a specific provision and while I have been so focussed on that provision, I have missed that He has been providing everyday, all along. I have asked Him to be my Jehovah provide-and He has. He has been faithful everystep of the way. I am praying that He provides specific ways, but the truth is He is providing everyday, I don't want to miss that! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Move or be moved...that is the phrase that comes to mind today. Moving is on my mind these it is what I am praying for. However, spiritually I am wondering how many of us are content right where we are. We get comfortable in the same place we have been. We like how it feels. We know what to expect. We know how to respond. No big highs or lows. Yet, I am convinced that our walks with Christ are just that...walks...journeys that never stand still-always moving towards or away from something/someone. Complancency is our enemy and yet it is also our home. It is time for us to move or be moved, for if we are not moving, we are in the way and need to be moved. God, move me! In ALL tenses of the VERB! ALL FOR YOU

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Believing in God is not a big risk for me. In fact it is not a big deal at all. I can't remember a time when I didn't believe in God and follow after Him. However, I am learning that the Believing God is a whole different issue. More than Believing in Him, I must Believe Him. I thought that I Believed Him and yet when the rubber met the road on issues of life, I found myself doubting....not doubting in God-for I believe and trust HIM, but doubting God-questioning, seeing my faith is really small. So today, I have chosen to Believe God-to trust Him. For me, that means today, I pray Trusting and Believing that Big things will happen, needs will be met-instead of hoping that He will meet them...I am believing that He will. It is a step of faith-it is hoping despite fear-it is asking in faith, believing...God WILL answer. For feels like a risk...but i am praying the dividends will be incredible! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

scarry adventures

Chasing the dream is a scarry adventure. It takes courage and strength that only God can provide. Today, i feel pretty weak in that journey, but I am reminded by Scripture that when you feel weak, REMEMBER-all the things you know and have learned along the way, cling to the God you KNOW and not what you see. When I am afraid, I will trust in is all I is ALL FOR YOU

Saturday, March 05, 2005

worry and unbelief

I am finding that there is a direct connection between worry and unbelief. Jesus tells us in Matthew that we should not worry about tomorrow because as much as the Lord cares for the sparrow and the lillies of the field, He cares for me more. He already knows my needs and after all He is Jehovah Jireh-the Lord that provides. And yet, I find myself worrying. My faith is small and unbelief continually creeps in when I can't see what is around the next bend. I feel like the man who responded to Christ....I do my unbelief. Or like the disciples who cried out for the Lord to Increase their faith...I know I am not alone in this journey. Worry, Unbelief, small faiths...God help our unbelief! ALL FOR YOU

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I have said for awhile now that choices determine our choose wisely and own your choice. Whether to live for Him or die for Him-a choice. Whether to cling to sin or to the cross-a choice. Whether to let go of self or chase after Christ-a choice. And with each choice-our future is determined.
We all have a I choose to die, to cling to the cross and to chase after Christ. It is a choice I must make everyday in order to reach the promised land. I don't want to be left wondering in a wilderness because of bad choices. So may my eyes be fixed on the One who never fails or forsakes us. May I be strong and courageous. May I never waiver and may I always choose wisely-pursuing the King and not a kingdom, passionate about God and forever choosing to die to who I am so that I might glorify Him. That is the wise choice!