Monday, March 22, 2010


I am putting on you and you me. Exchange of robes. Each removing their robes and giving them to the other demonstrating I am clothed in your garment.

Your enemies are my enemies. Handing over their sword and bow, they agreed to not fight each other, but to make enemies of one another’s enemies, constantly defending and fighting for one another.

When you are weak, I will be there for you. They exchanged belts, because that was the center of all life being held together.

I am dying to my independent living and to my rights. In a figure eight pattern they both walked thru the pieces of flesh…a walk into death, swearing by covenant oath and asking God to do so to them if they broke.

Then they cut the wrist, rubbed salt in the wound to scar so a MARK would be left and clasped hands, so the blood mingled and they became blood brothers, a bind deeper than any other. Demonstrating that the 2 become one.

What is mine is yours. What they owned and what they owed became shared resources for life.

Whenever would see the scar on their hand, when they would be reminded of a covenant partner. And because of covenant, they have a NEW IDENTITY. They sat and partook of a covenant meal. One broke bread and fed to another demonstrating you are eating me and I you. And finally a memorial of stones were set, a planted tree, a written contract, as a testimony of the covenant.

Now I call you Friend, a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

These are the customs of Covenant, each portraying truth that applies to our walks.

Covenant was a pledge to death. A pledge in love. Can you imagine being loved that much, so much that someone would pledge unto death for your security and well being? Covenant does not allow for abandonment, at least not without horrible consequences. And that is why we need to understand covenant. We think we have God and eternal life and all the blessings that go with it on our own terms. Our logic is dangerously skewed. It is why our Christianity isn’t working. Why our family and friends are falling apart. Why churches are failing.

Covenant is often misunderstood in thinking of it ONLY in context of marriage. And our view of that is skewed, for so many walk away from that. It is easily and simply dissolved. But Scripture is clear to show that Covenant between God, between spouses and between friends is for life and only in death dissolved kind of agreement.


Saturday, March 13, 2010


I went knowing that I needed to just hear from the Lord, to sense His Presence and to experience the release of being among others who are pressing to knock down the doors of heaven. I was not disappointed.
I went to the release of the new PASSION CD, AWAKENING. The title is appropriate. A call to be AWAKENED.

I am not one that really likes the WAKING UP part of life. In fact, most days I would prefer to sleep and not wake up, simply because I don't like waking up. No one likes the sound of an alarm, a nudge that says move or a voice that is calling you from the slumber. In fact, we fight it.

But we all HAVE to wake up. We can't stay in the slumber state forever. We have to shake off the sleep and step into reality. Been thinking a lot about awakening this week. And how so often, we like to just remain in our spiritual sleep and how we don't like to be prodded to wake up and move. We would prefer to stay under the covers and just slumber. We don't want to have to open our eyes to the Light and let HIS LIGHT pierce our darkness.

I hate getting up. But once I get moving...I realize it the waking I hate, not the doing. For many of us, we just need to wake up. The work God has called us to isn't the worst part…it is letting the Light pierce the darkness, the awakening. The opening of our eyes.

So WAKE UP O SLEEPER and rise from the dead. Let the light of Christ shine on You. Eph 5:14

It is time that we stop the slumber…and let the LIGHT PIERCE THE DARKNESS.