Sunday, July 16, 2006


This week, the Lord has opened my eyes to a significant truth that I have missed all my life. It is a truth I know....but have missed, simply because I have glossed over it, never stopping to meditate upon these words to allow them to pierce my heart as they should.
The words of Jesus, spilling forth as He was teaching His disciples how to pray, were simple and yet filled with such depth.
Which art in Heaven, hallowed be your name-You deserve our worship....
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven....

So what are we to pray for? Jesus is instructing us to PRAY for the KINGDOM of God to be present here on earth. So how do we get the Kingdom of God in our midst? How do we see God?

We can have church. We can even have GREAT church. But these things are what man can accomplish on his own. What Jesus was instructing us to pray for was to seek to have the KINGDOM here on earth. Is this possible? If so, why are we satisfied with so much less?
In the KINGDOM, people live and don't die-for eternal life is present.
In the KINGDOM, people are saved from darkness to light.
In the KINGDOM, people are changed, healed, renewed, transformed.
In the KINGDOM, everyone matters, all ages, all races, all people groups.
In the KINGDOM, there is wholeness and unity.
In the KINGDOM, miracles take place.
In the KINGDOM, GLORY COMES DOWN and surrounds us, filling us up with HIS PRESENCE.
In the KINGDOM, people are rescued, people don't hide their sin or play religious games.
In the KINGDOM, tradition of man and liturgy are done away with in exchange for transparency and realness.
In the KINGDOM, people are full on worshippers, not content with half hearted, self contained expressions of God.
In the KINGDOM, everyone is loved.
In the KINGDOM, people get fixed.
In the KINGDOM, brokenness is beautiful and delierance happens.
In the KINGDOM, God is priority, worshipped and adored in such a way that everyone knows where our heart is-set fully on Him.
In the KINGDOM, there is fullness of joy. There is magnified fellowship, covenant and grace.
In the KINGDOM, Jesus is the only one we are worried about pleasing.
In the KINGDOM, God is the only one worshipped and everyone spends their time talking about Him.
In the KINGDOM, there is FREEDOM!

Sometimes, we desire to have church, even great church. But God is voting for KINGDOM.
Our prayer should not merely be for our church...but that the KINGDOM of heaven would come! And when the KINGDOM comes-His will IS done on earth as it is in heaven. We need to begin to pray for and expect that we have the KINGDOM-not just mere church. This life is not about what happens here, with a little Jesus thrown into it, but about the glory, the KINGDOM of heaven coming into our lives.

So we can have church, even great church. We can be religious, even very religious. But Jesus instructs us to pray for the KINGDOM of heaven to come here! Jesus votes for Heaven on earth-and so do I...


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