Sunday, May 06, 2007


I spent three days this week in Atlanta at a conference to help refuel leaders. It was a fabulous time of worship and Word. I was challenged in almost every area, from leadership to personal sin. While all the speakers were excellent and I learned more than my brain could soak up in one sitting, the ONE thing that has permeated my thinking is that more than words from man, we need a Word from God. ONE WORD from Him will radically change our lives. We can have good ideas, programs and ministries, but if they are just that and not divine callings, instituted and directed by the Father then they are destined to be only what man can make them-at best good.
So, I did the only thing I know to do. I raised the sail and asked the Father to breathe into it and move me in the direction of His deal and not mine. I found space and place to press my head on the floor and to listen for that still small voice that whispers life into dry, dead bones. I set my face towards heaven and cried out asking the Lord to Drip down-thick as honey, a measure of His Voice and that I would trust it. I pursued and harassed until finally in the quiet of taking communion I heard. I wept in His presence and rejoiced at His faithfulness. I grieved over my sin and found joy in His forgiveness. He is God and there is none like Him. He is the One who forms light and darkness, calamity and well-being. And He is the One who wants to speak to each of us.
I am still convinced that just ONE WORD is enough to radically change us-IF it is from Him. And yet, this week, I am so thankful for more than a WORD....I am grateful for a sentence. I am clinging to the Voice of God and trusting HIM and His work to accomplish it. We spend a lot of time seeking the words, favor and direction of men. We pursue advice, lean on our own understanding and thinking, refuse to listen to anything that doesn't "make sense" and yet, God's ways are not our own. He WANTS to do things differently so that HE GETS GLORY. If we can accomplish it without Him....what glory does He get? If we only engage in man size tasks, what glory does He received? If all we do is trust our own understanding, then where does He get to be seen? Why would He command us to do something that we can do, so that we get His glory? He doesn't....God calls us to a God sized task and then to have faith to follow Him through the difficulty, building our faith and granting Him the glory. So, let's get A WORD and CHASE that!ALL FOR YOU

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